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Posts posted by aunquarra

  1. My end goal... take in a string of HTML and return a whitespace-compressed version of it. I've got some code I've used on many occasions through the years, and it's been tweaked a fair bit over time as well. I'm happy with it except for one thing... It won't leave <pre> blocks alone.


    I can match <pre> blocks just fine.




    ...seems to work as I'd like (though I can't warrant that it's perfect by a long shot).


    What I don't know is how to apply that kind of detection in the manner I want. I'd like a neat regex solution, but I can accept a clever workaround. I just haven't thought of anything.


    Here's what I typically use for the search and replace on a preg_replace()...


    		$search = array(
    			'/(\s+)?(.+).+);(\s+)?/',			// css each item
    			'/(\s+)?(.+)(\s+)?\{(.+)\}(\s+)?/',	// css between items
    			'/\n/',								// replace end of line by a space
    			'/\>[^\S ]+/s',						// strip whitespaces after tags, except space
    			'/[^\S ]+\</s',						// strip whitespaces before tags, except space
    		 	'/(\s)+/s',							// shorten multiple whitespace sequences
    		 $replace = array(
    			'\\2 {\\4}',
    			' ',


    So the question is how I can either:


    1. [*]Modify the patterns to ignore anything inside <pre> blocks (if that's even possible); or

    [*]Add some kind of tokenization to remove <pre> blocks first, then run my preg_replace(), then put the <pre> blocks back.

  2. I'm about to produce a pretty extensive set of log tables on a project, and I'm evaluating what storage engine to use.


    My gut instinct is InnoDB. I don't need transactions, but the row-level locking makes me feel more comfortable in an INSERT-heavy scenario like logging. That said, these won't be set-and-forget logs; I'll be querying them regularly. So the performance of MyISAM comes to mind...


    Anyway, I did some Googling and found some folks recommending Archive. On the surface, it looks like a good fit. Row-level locking; INSERT and SELECT only (no need to UPDATE or DELETE logs); compression... So far, so good. Looks like I might be playing with a new engine, which is fun for me (for some reason).


    Then I see that it doesn't support indexes and I flinch.  :-\


    I read that it performs well with SELECTs pertaining to timestamps, which is great. Undoubtedly, I'll be querying based on timestamps regularly. But I'll also have a user_id column and other similar relationally relevant IDs that I'll want to query based on just as often (perhaps more often).


    I'm imagining querying a massive MyISAM or InnoDB table with no indexes and it's a scary prospect. I would hope that Archive might have features to combat that, but I can't find any examples. It almost seems like Archive is great for logs if you're doing overall log analysis, but not so much for granular analysis.


    So, all that said, what storage engine would you recommend for logs that will be SELECTed regularly knowing that SELECTs will likely fall into one of the following scenarios:


    • by timestamp
    • full-table query
    • per user analysis (SUM() of certain columns where user_id='123')
    • per event (I'll check the credit_card_transactions_log table by transaction_id, for example)

  3. Interesting. The only issue I see is that this wouldn't support a many-to-many scenario because the suppliers are the initial point rather than the products.


    The end result I'd be going for would be a list of all products/suppliers combinations (with some WHERE filtering, but that's irrelevant at this stage) with the price reflecting the user supplied volume. So, the same supplier might be on the list multiple times (if they sell 4 different products), and one product might be on the list multiple times (if it is sold by multiple suppliers).


    Go figure that I didn't do due diligence in the initial explanation.

  4. It has been a few years since I was here last, but you guys were always so helpful, and now I'm stuck again. It's a bit more of a complex bit of logic than I used to have... Oh, and this is MySQL 5.0.77 (Rackspace Cloud hosting, currently). On to the problem.


    It's not built, yet. Or at least the new version isn't. The old version was junk, hence the rebuild. At any rate, that means I don't actually have table structures, queries, or anything.


    The idea is that I've got a set of specific products sold by a variety of sellers whose price is determined by a variety of factors. For the most part, I've got that covered already, even the seller-specific stuff. The one issue I keep coming back to is the fact that each seller can set up their own volume pricing.


    So if someone is looking to buy 1 of this product, they fall into the first volume pricing tier for each seller, but if they want to buy 100, it might be the fifth tier (90-100) for Seller A but the second tier (50+) for Seller Z, and each would have their own adjustments to the price according to the actual volume break point. Standard stuff, but I've always done the legwork in PHP. For a variety of reasons, I need to try to keep this in MySQL.


    I know this is vague and conceptual, but I'm at the project design point here, so that's all I have. The last time we built it, we did it in a very "slapped-together" fashion, forced to use a lot of external, unoptimized data, and we used a set of subselects to do the work (plus, I didn't actually do it; it was another guy who has since left). The EXPLAIN on that made me shudder. As I said before, "hence the rebuild."


    Any suggestions on how I might structure/query the database to be best-optimized for this? Conceptual and pseudocode is more than sufficient for me. I really just need a starting point.


    Thanks, all.

  5. The safest bet to avoid overwriting stuff like this is to use "AS" statements, like...


    SELECT table1.text, table1.text2, table1.mid, table1.id AS table1id, merch.id as merchid, merch.name, table1.expire FROM table1 INNER JOIN merch ON merch.mid = table1.mid WHERE table1.status = 'Y' AND table1.linkType = %s ORDER BY table1.$col $sort

  6. Well, I dont think my SSH client would send a kill, but I would think that one sure way to prevent it would be to unplug the ethernet first, then close the client.


    And, unfortunately, hourly crons are waiting on this restoral, and the workload is backing up. This is one of those "it needs to be done yesterday" things. And it might be running through the night anyway-- the backup.sql file is 4.5G.

  7. I feel dumb for having to ask this, and I think I know the answer, but I want a second opinion.


    I have SSHed into a DB server, and performed a "mysql -u [user] -p [dbname] < backup.sql" type command. The problem is, it's a big backup, and it's going to take a good while. I didn't think to do it from the local machine rather than SSH... And I'm probably going to need to pack up my laptop and leave before it's done.


    Having seen how mySQL responds to having apache/php go away (it keeps on trucking on whatever PHP told it to do until it's done, even if PHP isn't listening anymore), I don't think I've ever just shut down an SSH session with such a large upload (usually I have the forethought to _not_ do it over SSH).


    So what happens when I close my SSH client?

  8. Here's the query slimmed down (some of the excessive and verbose retrieved g_info columns have been removed, but everything else is there).


    As you can tell, I ended up doing both an inner and a left join. Since it's possible for g_membership to have zero rows, it needed to be joined with left join.


    SELECT `g_info`.`id`, `persons`.`name`, COUNT(`g_membership`.`g_id`)
    FROM (`g_info` INNER JOIN `persons` ON `persons`.`id`=`g_info`.`person_id`)
    LEFT JOIN `g_membership` ON `g_info`.`id`=`g_membership`.`g_id`
    WHERE `category_id`='2' GROUP BY `g_info`.`id`


    Thanks for the INNER join tip. I'm finding that a lot of my LEFT joins can be accomplished with INNERs.

  9. +----+-------------+--------------+--------+---------------+----------+---------+------------------+------+----------------------------------------------+
    | id | select_type | table        | type   | possible_keys | key      | key_len | ref              | rows | Extra                                        |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | g_info       | ALL    | NULL          | NULL     | NULL    | NULL             |    3 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | persons      | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY  | 3       | g_info.person_id |    1 |                                              |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | g_membership | ref    | g/person      | g/person | 3       | g_info.id        |    1 | Using index                                  |


    I'll look into inner joins... All I ever learned was left joins, and they've filled every purpose I've had so far. I'll research and if I don't specifically need left joins, then I'll start fixing all my old code...

  10. Okay, so I've got three tables that have data that I want. I've done left joins on three tables before, but I've managed to avoid it for the most part because I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad idea. In fact, I've erred on the side of just having to do two separate queries with simple two-table joins to avoid it. This time, I'm going to have to either do it, or err on the side of just not having the data visible.


    So, given that joins are done on integers that are indexed, if not primary keyed in all three tables... Is it a bad idea to do three-table joins?


    Also, specifically in this scenario, I'll be pulling a lot of data from one table, its one-to-one value from a second table, and a COUNT() of one-to-many rows in a third table. Which brings up a second question... Assuming three-table joins are acceptable, what about when working with a GROUP BY as well?


    If table sizes make a difference, the primary table could have up to a few thousand entries or so, the second table (the one-to-one relationship) could have up to 20,000 entries, and the third table (the one-to-many which would be COUNT()ed) could have 50,000 or more entries.

  11. Well, I'm certainly open to suggestion, but I don't see any cleaner way of doing it, short of writing code that continually alters the table structure to fit my original posts' output.


    Basically, it controls sets of user-definable fields on some forms. Originally, I had a max of four user-definable fields per form, which were each just columns in the tables with correlating data. Efficient and easy, but limited.


    And now I've learned that unlimited is more important to the users than efficient and easy. So I've got to figure out a way to make the system support an infinite number of fields.


    If you've got some direction, I'm all ears.



    As for the legwork, it will be a little more complicated than I'd like. The reason I wanted this query was because an existing automated report generating system with user-definable conditions/filters is needing it all to be in a single row from a single query. Just writing the necessary exceptions so I'll even have a place to insert some app scripting to compile the data will be a hassle. A database solution would certainly be ideal. And if that means restructuring, I'm fine with that.



    [edit because I forgot to explain the legwork aspect]

  12. Explaining this might be awkward, but if you just see it, it'll make sense real quick. So let's say I have a table like this...

    CREATE TABLE `test_table` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `key_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `field` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  `value` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`));
    INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES (1, 1, 'color', 'red');
    INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES (2, 1, 'size', 'large');
    INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES (3, 2, 'color', 'blue');
    INSERT INTO `test_table` VALUES (4, 2, 'size', 'small');

    So, to review...

    mysql> select * from test_table;
    | id | key_id | field | value |
    |  1 |      1 | color | red   |
    |  2 |      1 | size  | large |
    |  3 |      2 | color | blue  |
    |  4 |      2 | size  | small |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    What I would like to do is combine all the `field`s, grouped by per `key_id`, into a single row of the result.


    So the output would be something similar to this...

    | key_id | color | size  |
    |      1 | red   | large |
    |      2 | blue  | small |


    And, if other `field`s were added, it would reflect it...

    | key_id | color | size  | article | price |
    |      1 | red   | large | pants   | 15.99 |
    |      2 | blue  | small | tshirt  | 5.99  |


    A guy I know told me to look into views to accomplish this... While I'm glad he told me to check it out (because they look interesting for future reference), they don't really seem to do what I'm trying to do.


    If I have to, I'll fall back on rewriting the PHP to do this legwork for me, but if mySQL has some sort of feature to accomplish this with single rows... That would be stinkin' sweet. The current PHP setup is very clean and efficient because it's just looking for one row. If I have to build up that row, it could take a hit performance-wise. So I'm just making sure there's not a mySQL feature I'm just ignorant to...


    Thanks in advance. PHP freaks forums rock. No, really. You knowledgeable veterans are God's gift to haphazard developers such as myself.

  13. I've been developing with mySQL/php for a few years, and from a software standpoint, I'm comfortable. But I'm looking at building some servers for an application, and I'm wondering where I should invest the money. Specifically, I'll have a db-only server and the front-end web server.


    I know that mySQL will love every byte of RAM I can give it, but in the past, I've only worked where I was connecting with localhost. So I'm not sure how much of that was utilized by the mySQL server and how much was utilized by the mySQL client inside php...


    I also know that a system requirements question is hard to answer without at least some knowledge of how the db application is built. Well, it's all myisam tables, each with auto_increment primary keys which are used (and indexed) frequently in other tables for lots and lots and lots of left joins (simple two-table joins in most cases, but unfortunately I've had to do three table joins a couple times). As a rule, I try to keep things ridiculously efficient. :)


    So, I guess my question is this: if I build a separate mySQL server and web server, what should be the hardware focus on each? If I understand everything correctly, I should get a couple great multi-core CPUs for the web server and a reasonable minimum of RAM, while getting a meager processor for the mySQL box and throwing every penny left in my budget at RAM for it. Is that about right?

  14. After the encouragement I got to replace a daily cron job with a 24/7 daemon (see http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,133282.0.html), I did some research on PHP's process control functions, and in the process, I ran across this class: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/2197.html


    I've heavily modified it, and it's actually working quite well for me. The only weird problem has been there since I first ran the script before my modifications. Every night, at exactly midnight, the script dies. I don't know if this is some kind of inherent problem with php daemons, but my googling has found no indication of it...


    Of course, I tried to contact the author, but got no response (no surprise, considering the script's age). So if you guys could give me a pointer for making this 24/7 script work without the use of cron jobs or keepalive to start it back up.... that would be wonderful!

  15. Well, just for background, what I need to do is look at several SQL servers, read new data from tables on each, then insert data on a separate SQL system based on the new data and some calculations, and then once it's all done, flag the original data as old so it doesn't get read again.


    The way I had planned to do it was to just loop through a list of the servers/tables it needs to pull data from, and on each one:

      1. Run a query for the new information (with a LIMIT 1000 statement, just to keep it bite-sized)

      2. Do the needed calculations

      3. Handle any necessary inserts into the separate system, and remember the mysql_insert_id()

      4. Mark them as done in the original tables by putting the mysql_insert_id() in there...

      5. Have it sleep() for a few seconds, just to keep crazy loops from chewing through the CPU if, for some unknown reason, there's no data.


    If there is a better model, I'm all ears. This is all new territory to me.

  16. Well, I think I've decided to do it. I've been researching process control functions, and I'm really digging how PHP handles stuff (no surprise there).


    Doing triggers is really unnecessary since each iteration of the process could take anywhere from a half to five minutes to complete, and there is new data to be handled almost every fifteen seconds. I could do a cron... but you're right. I think this'll be more fun. Besides, it'll scale better.


    Thanks for all the tips.

  17. I need to make some updates to several db tables, and currently I'm making these updates once daily with a cron job that just runs a 'wget' statement to pull a php file that does the work on the backend and displays debug info to the browser (or in this case wget).


    The volume of data I'm dealing with now has increased to the point where I really can't continue to deal with an entire day's worth of data at once, so I though I might break it down into smaller chunks (12-hour cycles, 6-hour cycles, even hourly). Then, the thought occurred to me to just drop apache out of the equation entirely and just run php from the shell as a daemon that just continually runs, looking for data that needs updating and handling it as it's found...


    So I guess my question is whether or not this is a good idea. I really need the flexibility and functionality PHP offers, so I can't really justify moving the system to C or Perl (I know I'm preaching to the choir here), but I'm not sure if having a single PHP script running 24/7 is a good or bad idea.


    Obviously, if I did it, I would want to be extremely careful with memory management, but I try to do that anyway (I just don't trust apache to give it back on its own).


    Thanks in advance for your input.

  18. Just a little update. After doing still some more research, it almost looks like that particular shared object file might be part of the Oracle installation, and PHP is expecting me to have use for LDAP only if I'm using Oracle.


    This is all just a theory, as I've found no direct evidence of anything whatsoever, but I've been looking up PHP/LDAP/Oracle references, and I've seen a couple references to having trouble getting PHP to configure with LDAP but without Oracle. No further details; just general complaints.


    I've tried explicitly telling the configure script that I'm not going to be using Oracle, and I've tried even commenting out the check for that file in the configure script (last-ditch effort), but no dice.


    I really hate to post a bug to PHP, 'cause most likely it's some kind of user error. But I haven't been able to find another solution. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

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