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Posts posted by php_lover

  1. the two different  api code for facebook, google + and twitter  is located in three respective different folders , facebook folder for the facebook api , twitter folder for twitter and google_plus.. The thing is , I'm trying to make people be able to log through Twitter and access the application .. and give them the option to also logon through Facebook after logging through Twitter and keep the twitter-based data after they logged through Facebook , I would basically like them to be able to view both their twitter and facebook feeds and other data mixed together at the same time ... I tried to implement sessions , but it looks like if they log through Facebook after logging through twitter first , the Twitter session variable content become NULL and only facebook session data is displayed .. How can I manipulate the sessions so that twitter session data can be kept when a user log through facebook as well ?

    Below is what I did to test the data ..

    include_once '../facebook/fbmain.php';


    // Here I'll test the $_SESSION variable to see if twitter data is kept after a user logs through facebook as well .. but twitter data become NULL instead and the $_SESSION array only show facebook data .. How can I make twitter session data STAY after someone logs through facebook as well ?

    var_dump($_SESSION); var_dump(session_id());  // twitter session data gets overriden by facebook data although the variable names are different ..
    /* If access tokens are not available redirect to connect page. */

    if (empty($_SESSION['facebook_id']) && (empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret']))) {
    header('Location: ./clearsessions.php');
    else {
    /* Get user access tokens out of the session. */
    $access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];

    /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
    $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);

    /* If method is set change API call made. Test is called by default. */
    $content = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');
    $json = json_encode($content);
    $data = json_decode($json,true);
    $screen_name = $data["screen_name"];
    $name = $data["name"];
    $image_url = $data['profile_image_url'];
    $_SESSION['screen_name'] = $screen_name;
    $_SESSION['image_url'] = $image_url;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username ='$screen_name'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $result_count = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if($result_count == 0) {
    $insert = "INSERT INTO Users(username) VALUES('$screen_name')";
    $result_insert = mysql_query($insert);


    if(isset($_SESSION['oauth_token']) && isset($_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']) && isset($_SESSION['facebook_id'])){

    $user = $_SESSION['facebook_id'];




  2. Your user creates an account on your site, and from there the user can connect to his/her's Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc, account. When the user logs on to your site the connected apps will then pull the feeds from these services.


    How though ?  Isn't the user supposed to connect to facebook , google , twitter via their APIs ... It's too brief , maybe if you elaborate on the process , that'd be great ... because to connect to facebook , google , twitter to pull the feeds, statuses , images , etc ... you need the APIs , and that's what I'm implementing .. I'm having trouble if the facebook api session overwritting the twitter session ..

  3. There's no need to use multiple log-ins. You should instead just let the user connect his/her account with the different sites, and then when the user signs in (s)he will see the merged feed from the linked accounts.

    Hello Oaass, I am not quite sure I understand what you mean ... How can users view feeds from Twitter , Facebook and Google+ networks , if I don't let them connect through Facebook , Twitter and Google+  via their APIs to pull data .. Could you tell me explain a little bit more what you meant , I'd totally apppreciate it ..

  4. Ok , so I am developing a web application that's going to let people connect through Facebook , Twitter or Google plus ... Now , the api code is located in three respective different folders , facebook folder for the facebook api , twitter folder for twitter and google_plus.. The thing is , I'm trying to make people be able to log through Twitter and access the application .. and give them the option to also logon through Facebook after logging through Twitter and keep the twitter-based data after they logged through Facebook , I would basically like them to be able to view both their twitter and facebook feeds mixed together at the same time ... I tried to implement sessions , but it looks like if they log through Facebook after logging through twitter first , the Twitter session variable content become NULL and only facebook session data is displayed .. How can I manipulate the sessions so that twitter data can be kept when a user log through facebook as well ?

    Below is what I did to test the data ..







    include_once '../facebook/fbmain.php';

    // Here I'll test the $_SESSION variable to see if twitter data is kept after a user logs through facebook as well .. but twitter data become NULL instead and the $_SESSION array only show facebook data .. How can I make twitter session data STAY after someone logs through facebook as well ?

    var_dump($_SESSION); var_dump(session_id());

    /* If access tokens are not available redirect to connect page. */

    if (empty($_SESSION['facebook_id']) && (empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token']) || empty($_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret']))) {

    header('Location: ./clearsessions.php');


    else {

    /* Get user access tokens out of the session. */

    $access_token = $_SESSION['access_token'];

    /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */

    $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);

    /* If method is set change API call made. Test is called by default. */

    $content = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');

    $json = json_encode($content);

    $data = json_decode($json,true);

    $screen_name = $data["screen_name"];

    $name = $data["name"];

    $image_url = $data['profile_image_url'];

    $_SESSION['screen_name'] = $screen_name;

    $_SESSION['image_url'] = $image_url;

    $query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username ='$screen_name'";

    $result = mysql_query($query);

    $result_count = mysql_num_rows($result);

    if($result_count == 0) {

    $insert = "INSERT INTO Users(username) VALUES('$screen_name')";

    $result_insert = mysql_query($insert);



    if(isset($_SESSION['oauth_token']) && isset($_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']) && isset($_SESSION['facebook_id'])){

    $user = $_SESSION['facebook_id'];



  5. Ok , there is an issue with the rotten tomatoes API , It gives developers the ability to set a limit of movies to return from the API from a specific category , like the movies in the box office are pulled dynamically, but when I set the limit to 50 , or even 10 movies , it only returns an array containing 3 movies instead of 10 or 50 or whatever the limit of movies is in the API call ... What could be causing that ? is there maybe something wrong with the way I am using the file_get_contents function

    $box_office_movies = file_get_contents('http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/lists/movies/box_office.json?limit=50&country=us&apikey=[key]',FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);
    $box_office_movies = json_decode($box_office_movies, true);
    var_dump($box_office_movies); // returns only 3 movies .. 
  6. It is a URL, and there is no clicking required for it to pull the image. You output an image tag such as:

    <img src="get-author-image.php?screen_name=someHandle">
    When the browser sees that it will make a request to get-author-image.php?screen_name=someHandle in order to load that image. That script then contacts the twitter api, locates the correct image URL for the given handle and forwards the browser there using a Location: header.


    Kicken , I tried your method and it's not working ... Although the php script to get the images redirect to the image link of the twitter user , it doesn't show the image with the img tag ... My suspicion is because the img tag executes fast and doesn't wait for the PHP script to finish doing its job ... Thanks for trying to help though.

  7. Hello Ignance .. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond ... I see that you're from Belgium .. I have a brother there and je parle francais aussi :-)  I am not sure I quite understand what you were trying to tell me ... As you can see , I try to fetch images from multiple users inside a loop based on the twitter username of the user I pass to the twitter API service in order to return the image .. The url generated by the API is this one 


    https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=twitterapi&count=1  ..


    Is there a way I can pass this link through Jquery AJAX and get the images much quicker instead of waiting for minutes for the php to return the data because the page keeps loading for a minute . I'm so new to the Jquery & AJAX world .. How would you use the url above to fetch the images , yet embed it in the PHP code I have ?  Your response would be much appreciated , and if I misunderstood what you were explaining , please let me know :-)

    I think I get what you were trying to tell me after re-reading your code .. Let me try this and I'll get back to you .. Thanks a bunch


    First of all , thanks for taking the time to try to help .. but the problem is this one , I'm basically trying to get the images of all the twitter user names inside the while loop , the twitter usernames of the users whose images I want to fetch through the twitter API , so I'm not quite sure how the script you wrote above would speed up the process of getting all the images , if you look at my code in my question , I first query my local MYSQL database to get the twitter usernames , and then make a request to the twitter API to return the profile image of the the user whose twitter username I passed to the API .. Does this make sense ?  so this is an example of the link generated by the API which returns data ... How can I make it faster with AJAX using this url instead ?  



    Question though .. since you're passing parameters to the <img> tag .. wouldn't that have to be a URL for it to work ?  I'd like the image to be displayed without having to click on it to go to the processing script ?  hope I am not confusing you .


    First of all , thanks for taking the time to try to help .. but the problem is this one , I'm basically trying to get the images of all the twitter user names inside the while loop , the twitter usernames of the users whose images I want to fetch through the twitter API , so I'm not quite sure how the script you wrote above would speed up the process of getting all the images , if you look at my code in my question , I first query my local MYSQL database to get the twitter usernames , and then make a request to the twitter API to return the profile image of the the user whose twitter username I passed to the API .. Does this make sense ?  so this is an example of the link generated by the API which returns data ... How can I make it faster with AJAX using this url instead ?  



    SMART IDEA , I get your idea now !!!!

  10. As an example. By default all images will show a spinner and when the document has been loaded it will fire X number of ajax requests to get the twitter images.


    You can further improve this with a lazy-loading image script (google that) which means that only when the user scrolls down and the image is "viewed" will it fire the AJAX request.


    <img src="spinner.gif" alt="" class="load-author-image" data-twitter-screen-name="..">
      $(function() {
        $('.load-author-image').each(function(node) {
          $.ajax('get-author-image.php', { 'twitter-screen-name': $(node).data('twitter-screen-name') }, function(data) {
            node.src = data;
    Additionally you could cache images instead of requesting them over and over again from the Twitter API. Or you could simply use a cron to get the images and store the paths in your database.


    Hello Ignance .. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond ... I see that you're from Belgium .. I have a brother there and je parle francais aussi :-)  I am not sure I quite understand what you were trying to tell me ... As you can see , I try to fetch images from multiple users inside a loop based on the twitter username of the user I pass to the twitter API service in order to return the image .. The url generated by the API is this one 


    https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=twitterapi&count=1  ..


    Is there a way I can pass this link through Jquery AJAX and get the images much quicker instead of waiting for minutes for the php to return the data because the page keeps loading for a minute . I'm so new to the Jquery & AJAX world .. How would you use the url above to fetch the images , yet embed it in the PHP code I have ?  Your response would be much appreciated , and if I misunderstood what you were explaining , please let me know :-)

  11. You could just link the images to a PHP script that then determines which image to get. Eg:

    <img src="get-author-image.php?screen_name=<?=urlencode($row2['Twitter'])?>">
    $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
    $data = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $_GET['screen_name'], count=>'1'));
       $image = $data[0]->user->profile_image_url; 
       $image = str_replace('_normal', '_bigger', $image);
    else {
       $image = 'http://www.example.com/blank.png'; //Some default image incase the lookup fails
    header('Location: '.$image);

    First of all , thanks for taking the time to try to help .. but the problem is this one , I'm basically trying to get the images of all the twitter user names inside the while loop , the twitter usernames of the users whose images I want to fetch through the twitter API , so I'm not quite sure how the script you wrote above would speed up the process of getting all the images , if you look at my code in my question , I first query my local MYSQL database to get the twitter usernames , and then make a request to the twitter API to return the profile image of the the user whose twitter username I passed to the API .. Does this make sense ?  so this is an example of the link generated by the API which returns data ... How can I make it faster with AJAX using this url instead ?  


  12. If I was going to grab a bunch of data from a server that may or may not be reliable, since it's not my responsibility to manage its reliability, I would consider using an asynchronous call to grab said images. You could even implement some sort of lazy loading so you don't grab any images you don't need.


    Worst case if twitter bombs out on you, you have an entire website, minus some images from twitter. When you make an api call in the back end, things can become quite unpleasant, especially if you are not doing any sort of error handling around that twitter oauth lib.


    Nothing hurts my soul more than an Uncaught Exception, aka, the fatal error that got away.

    Hello Letter E , thanks for taking the time to answer .. But how would I make an asynchronous call to the twitter API .. I'm only used to PHP .. Could you give me a hint or an example if you dont mind ?  I'd appreciate it a lot . Thanks !!

  13.  So I have this PHP script below that requests data from the Twitter API and then displays it on the page according to the information that I have in my local database because I stored twitter usernames of some twitter users so I can pass them to the API and display the profile images of those twitter users. The script works fine to display my request from the API but it is AWFULLY slow , so I was wondering what could cause the script to be so slow ... Below is my script .. the first part seems to execute fine...


        /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
        $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token['oauth_token'], $access_token['oauth_token_secret']);
        $url = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $row['Twitter'],count=>'1'));
                 $results  = json_encode($url);
                 $data = json_decode($results, true);
                 $image = '';  
                 $image = $data[0]['user']['profile_image_url']; 
                 $image_bigger = str_replace('_normal', '_bigger',$image); 
         echo "<h1 align='middle' id = $id> $name Vs Opposition </h1>";
         echo "<img src='".$image_bigger."' width= '100' height ='100' class= 'image' align='middle' />";

    //This part of the script below seems to be the culprit of the page taking so long to display info because it loops through all the twitter IDs returned by the query in order to display the images of the authors that I request through the API inside the loop . $data2 variable is very long array of info regarding the twitter user and from that array , I pick the key of the array containing the value that stores the picture of every twitter user inside a loop .. How could I dynamically optimize this so I can get all those images ?  


            $select2  = "SELECT * FROM AUTHORS WHERE ID <> $id";  
            $result2 = mysql_query($select2);
            $result_count = mysql_num_rows($result2);
            $image_array = array();
            $unique_id = array();
            $counter = 0;
            if($result_count > 0) { 
            while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { 
            array_push($unique_id, $row2['ID']);
            $url2 = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $row2['Twitter'],count=>'1'));
                     $results2  = json_encode($url2);
                     $data2 = json_decode($results2, true);   // data through is a very long array
                      $image2 = $data2[$counter]['user']['profile_image_url'];  
                      $image3 = str_replace('_normal', '_bigger',$image2);
            var_dump($data2); exit;
            <div id="test">
            <iframe id="frame" src="" width="100%" height="100% frameBorder="0" ">
            <div id ="opposition">
             $unique_image = array_unique($image_array);
             $id_array = array_unique($unique_id);
              $i = 0;
              foreach($unique_image as $content) {
             echo "<a id ='".$id_array[$i]."' href ='#'><img src='".$content."'  width= '100' height ='100'  class='image' /></a>";

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