Hello, maybe someone can help me untangle this to make it do as I want it to...
SQL Query objective
3 Tables:
#1 – product
product_ID , product_name , page_group , default_price
TILE1212 , 12 X 12 Tile , ElsoT , 40.35
TILE810 , 8 X 10 Tile , ElsoT , 29.75
TILE88 , 8 X 8 Tile , ElsoT , 27.95
TILE68 , 6 X 8 Tile , ElsoT , 25.75
#2 – product_options
option_number , product_ID
1920 , TILE1212
1945 , TILE810
1947 , TILE88
1966 , TILE68
#3 – option_choices
option_number , disp_value , percentage
1920 , 1-2 , 0.000
1920 , 3-11 , 0.063
1920 , 12-23 , 0.094
1920 , 24-35 , 0.125
1920 , 36-47 , 0.156
1920 , 48-59 , 0.188
1920 , 60-71 , 0.219
1920 , 72+ , 0.250
1945 , 1-2 , 0.000
1945 , 3-11 , 0.000
1945 , 12-23 , 0.000
1945 , 24-35 , 0.000
1945 , 36-47 , 0.000
1945 , 48-59 , 0.000
1945 , 60-71 , 0.000
1945 , 72+ , 0.000
1947 , 1-2 , 0.000
1947 , 3-11 , 0.000
1947 , 12-23 , 0.000
1947 , 24-35 , 0.000
1947 , 36-47 , 0.000
1947 , 48-59 , 0.000
1947 , 60-71 , 0.000
1947 , 72+ , 0.000
1966 , 1-2 , 0.000
1966 , 3-11 , 0.000
1966 , 12-23 , 0.000
1966 , 24-35 , 0.000
1966 , 36-47 , 0.000
1966 , 48-59 , 0.000
1966 , 60-71 , 0.000
1966 , 72+ , 0.000
Objective is to create a pricing grid with column headings:
Tile size, to be populated with “product.product_name”
next 8 column headings to be populated with “option_choices.disp_value”
These 8 columns under “option_choices.disp_value” to be polulated with “option_choices.percentage”
This has gotten me close but not yet what I am looking for;
$group_query="SELECT * FROM product, product_options, option_choices
product.page_group='ElsoT' AND
product.product_ID=product_options.product_ID AND
the $num here results in all 32 records but really only want the 4 product records.
Next we build our display table Heading using while loop to populate column headings:
<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<tr><td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Size</font></td>
while ($iii < $numss) {
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><?php echo $f9; ?></font></td>
Last the actual display table
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><?php echo $f3; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><?php echo $f4; ?></font></td>
while ($ii < $nums) {
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><?php echo $f8; ?></font></td>
while ($i < $num) ;
What I am after is for this example to display:
4 rows plus the header row with once only tile name first column
Base price in second column
percentage discounts to loop to remain in the same row as the tile it represents.
See my working result page to better see what I am after... or not after..http://www.elsographics.com/tiles/elso.php
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me sort this out