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Posts posted by TMN70

  1. I am aware of what your trying to "prove". Unfortunately though, your opinion doesn't mean proof. Do you understand? You haven't provided "any" proof, just opinion. Opinion (and yours in particular) carries very little weight.

    Isn't what Hall of Famer said just plain common sense? Every singe framework has some almost constant overhead for any request. What you really want to know is how the framework handles real life situations, or rather how it would handle your particular application. It should be familiar from mathematics as AxB + C. C would be the overhead, and A and B would define how it really scales. For small stuff like "Hello World", you just want 'C' to be as small as possible. For real situations you should be more concerned about 'A' and especially 'B', and would probably design your framework to minimize these with tho probable result that 'C' will grow a bit. A suit of benchmarks should contain additional tests to try to find out how the framework scales, not just the size of the overhead.

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