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Posts posted by dev1902

  1. I have 3 pages. I am concerned with the first and second page.


    Basically, The first page populates two text fields with the same data straight from a database.

      >>You have an option to compare two things. 

      >>When you click submit

      >>The information requested is displayed on page 2 in a table with different columns displaying specific information.


    Some of the listed items in the text field on page 1 does not have information to display on the table.


    My goal is to write a simple php code to say "There is no information currently available for this item" on page 2 when you select an item with no information to display on the table on page 2.


    I want only the text to display and not the table.


    Where would I have to place the code for that to happen and what type of code do you suggest I use?



    Thanks in advance

  2. Hello guys, i'm trying to separate something like this: 15969_D55T_000 this: 3105_C55_00148 and this : 15969_D55T_00 using php.



    I have a few letter and number combination like these in a database that i already access.


    I was wondering how i would be able to just make it 15969_D55T3105_C55.


    I want help with a general php code that will help me to get ride of the extra "_xxx or _xx or _xxxx" after "xxxx_xxx"


    As i said before, All this information is on a database that I access.


    Thank you Very Much.

  3. Hello, Can someone help me to come up with a condition for an input to filter out a large table to a smaller table with a code.


    > My files are already uploaded to my db(database) and I already I already created a code to display the information in a table.


    > To clarify what i need help with, I populated a text field with information from my db and then when i submit it, it will filter the large table and only include any information that has to do with the information that i submitted.



    >> To further clarify, here is an example : There is a db with usernames, and I populated a text field with all the user ids.

         >> When i select the user id and click 'submit', all the information on that specific user id is pulled up and displayed on another page.

                     --> but there is also an option to display two user ids at the same time.


    I know how to do it individually like this:  



         $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  `gfr` WHERE numInter > 0 AND geneSymbolTranscript1 = 'ERG'");



    but, i want to be able to do it for two columns and all their rows.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hello, I working on my code to populate a text field from a column of data in a mysql database and i was successful.  

    -- I don't know if this is the best code to do so.

    Check it out!!

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
    		<meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive" />
    		<title>Test site</title>
     <form action="index.php" method="post" name="sampleDetail" target="_self" class="container" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
               <label for="sampleID">Gene 1: </label>
                  <input type="text" name='sampleID' id='sampleID' list="samp"> <br><br>
                 <datalist id="samp">
    $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  `gene_name` ORDER BY  `gene_name`.`COL 2` ASC LIMIT 2, 6970");
    WHILE ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)):
       $Column_2 = $rows['COL 2'];  
    echo "<option value=$Column_2>$Column_2</option> <br>";
     <label for="sampleID">Gene 2: </label>
                  <input type="text" name='sampleID' id='sampleID' list="samp"> <br><br>
                 <datalist id="samp">
    $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  `gene_name` ORDER BY  `gene_name`.`COL 2` ASC LIMIT 2, 6960 ");
    WHILE ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)):
       $Column_2 = $rows['COL 2'];  
    echo "<option value=$Column_2>$Column_2</option> <br>";
    <input type="button" value="Submit">

    Do have any suggestions?


    I also want to make sure i can type in the same gene with different.


    This is how it would look in the row:


    c15of1v | B10of1d | R12of1g


    -- All three names are listed in the same row. I want to be able to type in either of those names and get the same gene. Is that possible?

  5. OK, i have a .csv excel file that has a lot of data.

      I am working with the human genome.

      I am creating a web database to store information on over 25,000 genes.

      All the information is in the the .csv file, and i need help with a php code to access a specific column in the file to populate a text field.

  6. Thanks a lot guys.

    - I will look more into modifying my code for it to read the files. 

    - I will look into the database upload also.

    - What i am working on is a web database to store information on the human genome.

    - The codes i run takes the information from the files in my directory and displays the infromation in categories and tables on two other pages.


  7. Use a database to store all of the file names and file paths, then do a search on the database instead of searching the directory each time.

    I am not exactly sure how to do that. I have .gfr (gene fusion report) files. I don't really know how to go about doing that using a database to store them.  I am using the XAMPP package with a local server and mysql database but i'm not sure how to go about uploading all 25,000+ files. Can you help me with that?

  8. This is one the the full codes i actually run: 

    <form action="resultsSummary.php" method="post" name="sampleDetail" target="_self" class="container" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
    <form action="resultsSummary.php" method="post" name="sampleDetail" target="_self" class="container" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
    		  <h1 >           
                <label for="sampleID">Gene 1: </label>
                <input name='sampleID' id='sampleID' list="gene1">
                <datalist id="gene1">
                  	    if( is_dir( 'GFR/' ) ) {
    	                	$dHandle = opendir( "GFR/" );  
                        	while( false !== ($entry = readdir($dHandle) ) ) {  
                        		if( preg_match( "/(.+).gfr$/", $entry, $matches) > 0 ) {  
    								$sample = $matches[1];
                    				echo "<option value=$sample>$sample</option>";
    		  <h1 >Gene 2:
    		      <label for="genome"></label>
    		      <input name="genome" id="genome" list="gene2">
                  <datalist id="gene2">
    		        <option value="hg18">hg18</option>
    		        <option value="hg19">hg19</option>
    	        <p>Type of fusions 
    		      <label for="filterType"></label>
    		      <select name="filterType" id="filterType">
    		        <option value="all">all</option>
    		        <option value="inter">inter-chromosomal</option>
    		        <option value="intra">intra-chromosomal</option>
    		        <option value="intra_inter">inter- & intra-chromosomal</option>
    		        <option value="read-through">read-through</option>
    		    <br />
                <input type="hidden" value="normal" name="debug"/>
    		    <input type="submit" class="button"/>

    --My goal is to populate a text form so an autocmplete function will be available.

    --I have accomplished this, but i'm afraid it will take the code a while to go through the 25,000+ files i have in my directory and populate the text form.

    --My goal is to find a quicker way for the files to be read directly.

    --I have some great suggestions above and i will try them. 

    --Do you guys or anyone else have other advice or a php template to achieve my goal?

    ||!Thanks a lot for reading!!||


  9. Hello, right now i'm running a PHP code that looks into a directory and retrieves the files.
    --Does anyone know a simple, quick and efficientPHP code format to go straight to the files in a directory instead of going through the directory itself?

    Right now i'm running this code. 

    php code:
                        if( is_dir( 'temp/' ) ) {
                                    $dHandle = opendir( "temp/" );  
                            while( false !== ($entry = readdir($dHandle) ) ) {  
                                    if( preg_match( "/(.+).gfr$/", $entry, $matches) > 0 ) {  
                                                                    $sample = $matches[1];

    --I need a code to go straight to the files so it could process faster on my web database text form. 
    --FYI, i have over 25,00 files in this folder.



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