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Everything posted by Hardbyte

  1. Hey, Although bigdump is supposed to help import large files, Im still getting the memory exausted error message. Im trying to import "Insert into ..." statements of 300Mb. Iv tried a few other scripts, but I guess they all work in the same way (trying to explode each line into an array then run each line as an sql command) but I think trying to load 300mb into an array is the problem. Anyone else got any scripts/suggestions?
  2. Thank you for the replies. I agree with Crayon as Iv already got meta tags (no follow etc..) and robots.txt within the site which they are not following these "rules". I dont mind them visiting the site, but they are triggering my "Report a comment" link and Im receiving [size=8pt]<backwards>[/size]tihs[size=8pt]</backwards>[/size] loads of emails. My script seems to be working, its blocking the bots which I have in an array and those bots visiting which are not in the array - it emails me to inform me of the agent. (obviously allowing IE/Firefox and such common browsers.) Im just having to currently find out which are the bad bots  ??? Thanks again.
  3. Hi and thanks for your reply. On another note: If I were to allow Mozilla as an agent, then the bots could still get thru. For example: [code]MOZILLA/5.0 (COMPATIBLE; YAHOO! SLURP; HTTP://HELP.YAHOO.COM/HELP/US/YSEARCH/SLURP) has visited .... MOZILLA/5.0 (COMPATIBLE; GOOGLEBOT/2.1; +HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.COM/BOT.HTML) has visited ....[/code] so just search for Yahoo & Google to block for example? Thanks
  4. Hi, and sorry for possibly posting in the wrong section. Just wondering, do these spider bot things still trigger links within the page code even if I got a script to hide all links (or the whole page) if its equal to a bot? What Im trying to ask is, do they still spider through the code like a text file or do they work as if they were visiting like using a normal browser? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hi-ya, I also just did the same but you replied before I got here  ;D I changed: [code]if(strpos($agent,$bot)!==FALSE){$continue=1;};[/code] Just waiting to be crawled lol Many Thanks
  6. Hi-ya, thanks for the reply. Im afraid its still not working. Below is your new code implemented:- [code] $agent = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $bots = array('GOOGLE','GOOGLEBOT','BOT','CRAWLER'); $continue=0; foreach($bots as $bot){ if(strstr($bot,$agent)!==FALSE){$continue=1;}; }; if($continue==1) { //send mail (of bot array) $subject = "Reported Bot"; $headers  = "From: [email protected]>"; $message = $agent." has visited ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\nArray Bot "; mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $headers); }else{ //send mail (all) $subject = "Reported Bot"; $headers  = "From: <[email protected]>"; $message = $agent." has visited ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\nArray Bot: not in array "; mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $headers);  }; [/code] Im trying to determine which bots from my array are going to the site, it then emails me if it was a bot in my array or something else (like IE or Firefox) picking up on keywords such as BOT in GOOGLE[b]BOT[/b], [b]BOT[/b]S, BOTa[b]CRAWLER[/b] etc.. Many thanks.
  7. Hi-ya. To start with, Iv got the below code:- [code] $agent = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $bots = array('GOOGLE','GOOGLEBOT','BOT'); if (in_array($agent, $bots)){ // do something here. }else{ // do something else here. } [/code] I assume the above code is stating: if $agent == $bots (equal to BOT). But how do I make it so its *like* BOT, incase its really [b]BOT[/b]S or STUPID[b]BOT[/b]S ? Iv been playing around with strstr but it dont seem to work in this array style (unless Im doing it wrong). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Hi - just wondering if anyone know any script / info on selecting all text and copy to clipbaord function in Firefox as well as IE? Scripts seem to work in IE but not FireFox - any info would be appreciatd. Hardbyte.
  9. Bump? Anyone shed any light on this? Was trying to wash my hands of it over the weekend? Thanks for any advice. Hardbyte
  10. Hi, I couldnt find a script/program anywhere to convert my .xls of 100ish users into a MySQL format to upload to my SQL database. I wrote a php script that will take take your .xls (Im not that good with MS-Office - its just a list of usernames, names and passwords) and put it into the following format:- INSERT INTO '[tablename]' VALUES ('your', 'xls', 'document', 'details'); I think this is the correct format if you are able to use the SQL feature of phpMyAdmin. This will loop through all your entries of your .xls file. Just make sure your .xls document is in the correct order of your database. Would this be any good for anyone else? Or please let me know of what other people use so I can improve on my part. Im just a beginner so any comments would be appreciated. Regards Hardbyte.
  11. Hi - Thanks for the reply. Iv read the articles you mentioned but Im still not getting anywhere. Iv got includes and headers. In the header its already setting a session of the login. Now, for example: when button1 is pressed its stores button1 as the value in a new session. If button2 is pressed, button2 is stored in that session instead. But these only work when the page is "Ctrl + F5" refreshed after the button is pressed. So like it needs refreshing before it works? Does that make any sense to anyone? I either need to refresh the whole pages including headers when the button is pressed, or header: location needs to work - but it wont as it says is already being sent??! Thanks in advance. Hardbyte
  12. Hi-ya. Iv got this admin system and depending on what button(which directs you to a page) you press, it saves a session of that page name. This session only appears to "update" and be stored when I refresh the page for a second time. Iv tried using the "header("Location: ..." however I get errors as the header is already being used by another script somewhere. Any ideas on how to refresh the whole page when Iv pressed the button that stores the session page name? Hope someone can understand the above lol, Its been difficult trying to explain what the issue is. Thanks in advance. Hardbyte
  13. Hi, I havent tried anything as of yet - was trying to find a script but unable to. I want to strip the email and insert the email address, subject and message body into a database. Any ideas or pointers where to look would be appreciated, Thanks Hardbyte
  14. Hi - just trying to look into stripping an email and entering it into a database? Just seem to be unable to find any info on this, results seem to be all about sending email from the database entries. Thanks
  15. Hi and thanks for everyones help. I found that the functions as mentioned above by redbullmarky are the best for what I needed. Was perfect again mate - thanks alot! Hardbyte
  16. Hi. So, Iv got an index page that calls all the other different pages if you know what I mean. So in total, I got an index page, a header and then the body (mainpage) and then a footer. I need to automatically refresh the body (mainpage) only every 30 secs or whatever. But:- [code]<META http-equiv="refresh" content="10;URL=index.php?page=mainpage">[/code] appears to refresh the whole index file including header and footer which is causing a bandwidth issue. Is there any way of auto-refreshing the mainpage only on a timer? Thanks in advance. Hardbyte
  17. Hi. Currently passing data around forms and then submitting a date to the database. However the database seems to require the date format yyyy-mm-dd whereas my searches require the date dd-mm-yy. To make it simple, is there a way to change the date from dd-mm-yy to yyyy-mm-dd when pressing the search button on my form to query the database? Thanks in advance. Hardbyte
  18. Hi-ya. I done:- [code]$temp2 = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE temp"; mysql_query($temp2) or die (mysql_error());[/code] at the end of the loop and this seems to have worked. Thanks for everyones help!! Nice one ;) Hardbyte
  19. Hi there, thanks for your help. Im just checking the results, think it may have worked but Im unable to check as I get the first set of results then I get "Table 'temp' already exists" error message. Is there a way of doing this procedure and displaying the first lot of results, then like drop/flush the temp table ready for the next load? Thanks again. Hardbyte
  20. Hi-ya, thanks for your rapid replay again. This is where Im gonna be a pain in the bumcheeks... I need it to be ASC as I need the latest/newest at the bottom of the table. LIMIT 4 seems to only be showing the first 4 entries not the last. If somehow I could use LIMIT 4 but then reorder the entries when using DESC? DESC + LIMIT 4 worked but the latest entry was at the top. I Sortof need this but putting the latest entries at the bottom? Sorry for being a dumbass Hardbyte
  21. Hi (and hope Mark - Mr Guru Guy - is reading ;-) ) Iv got a script that loops though the entries, there can be loads, but I just want to list the last 4. Its based on time/action but thats basically irrelivant. I just want it to loop thou as it currently does but just display the last 4 entries. Code Iv got so far:- [code]$query2  = "SELECT * FROM logs, actionid, statusid WHERE logs.statusid = statusid.statusid AND logs.actionid = actionid.actionid AND actionid.logref = {$row['logref']} ORDER BY actiontime ASC"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); echo "<td valign=top width=330><table border=0 width=328>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC))              {             echo"<tr><td width=70> {$row['actiontime']} </td> <td         width=260> {$row['actiondesc']} </td></tr>";                           } [/code] Iv taken some code out sorry, but it shows a table with all the results - how'd I get the last four? Im guessting its another array thingy? Thanks Hardbyte
  22. Mark, your the ultimate guru! Thank you so much for your quick responces and you resolved it! Thanks again (im sure Ill be back shortly lol) Hardbyte
  23. Thank you so much for your help, Im nearly there... When doing what you said previosuly, I get printed: [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Array ( [0] => Stoke [1] => Banbury )[/quote] What I need todo is put these values together like $sites="Stoke, Banbury" so these values are entered into the database like: [code]$query = "INSERT INTO logs (logdate, logtime, logdesc, sites, statusid) VALUES ('$date', '$datetime', '$logdesc', '$sites', '$statusid')"; [/code] where $sites being the values selected. Any more help would be appreciated. Almost there - thank you!
  24. Hi. Thanks for your reply. Looks like I gotta learn arrays! Iv got: [code] <select name="siteid[]" size="10" multiple id="siteid"> <option value="1">1 <option value="2">2 </select> [/code] then it submits the results, however Im not getting any results being posted now? at the other end Iv got:- [code] $siteid = $_REQUEST[siteid]; [/code] but I guess this has got to be some kind of array also? Thanks
  25. Hi. This is the short version: Iv got a maintable and a sitetable. I want to record some details into the maintable and I currently have a combobox that lists the individual values of sitetable. I select a value and it records it into maintable - no probs. But I now need to change this so I have like a VB listbox so I can select multiple entries from sitetable. But then need to add these values into maintable also; like: site1, site2, site3 Anyone point me in the right direction? I cant find how to have a listbox allowing me to submit a selection of values... Thanks Hardbyte
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