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Everything posted by oshopindia

  1. My code for pagination is as below : if($total_nums) { $range = 1; //NUMBER OF PAGES TO BE SHOWN BEFORE AND AFTER THE CURRENT PAGE NUMBER //FIRST, PREVIOUS, NEXT, AND LAST LINKS if($pagenum>1) { $page = $pagenum - 1; $first = '<a class="page" id="1">First </a> '; $prev = '<a class="page" id="'.$page.'"> Prev </a> '; } if($pagenum<$total_pages) { $page = $pagenum + 1; $next = '<a class="page" id="'.$page.'"> Next </a> '; $last = '<a class="page" id="'.$total_pages.'"> Last</a> '; } //PAGINATION for($page=($pagenum-$range); $page<=($pagenum+$range); $page++) { if($page>=1&&$page<=$total_pages) { if($page==$pagenum) { /*$nav .= '<span class="pagenum" id="'.$page.'">'.$page.'</span> ';*/ $nav .= '<a class="pagenum" id="'.$page.'"> '.$page.' </a> '; } else { $nav .= '<a class="page" id="'.$page.'"> '.$page.' </a> '; } } } } //DISPAYS IN HTML echo '<table class="content"><tr><td align="center" style="font-size: 28px;min-width:60px" width="100%" >'.$first . $prev . $nav . $next . $last.'</td></tr></table>'; } else { //OTHERWISE... header("Location: view-comments.php"); //WILL REDIRECT TO THE FIRST PAGE OF RESULTS } Javascript of the above code : <script> $(function(){ $("#content").load("view-comments.php"); //PAGE NUMBER onClick FUNCTION $(".page").live("click", function(){ var page = $(this).attr("id"); $("#content").load("view-comments.php?page="+page); }); }); </script> CSS code : <style> #content { background-color: #ffffff; } .page:hover { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; } .pagenum { /*color: #32baed;*/ color: #000000; } .content { width: 100%; } .content td { /*width: 50%;*/ /*color: #333*/ } </style> Issue : Here the given code i used for our mobile website ( http://oshopindia.com/mobile/pagination-ajax-jquery1392875733/view.php ) . During testing i found that this code work perfectly on chrome and android browsers. But in operamini and safari browsers its not working. In operamini and safari mobile browsers the pagination numbers work as simple text instead of links Waiting for some useful solution ... thanks in advanced Oshopindia Team
  2. We Have online shopping portal Named Oshopindia.com recently we created mobile website for oshopindia on products page we want to add pagination for products We impliment many code of pagination but it's not working properly in mobile website Can anybody Suggest me any simple pagination code for Mobile website
  3. Sir I Want to create Website which look like newspaper classified But I cant create Clasified <td> tag With Auto height which i atetched in below picture Help me to do that
  4. Hello I want to start an affiliate programme for my online shopping website. If some customer comes to my site from a link from that affiliate site, how can I come to know and differentiate that customer from a customer who has directly come to my site? Should it be maintained in session? Or some php variable especially for tracking this? Thanks in advance
  5. I also Want To Know that Can I make canonical url after implement mod_rewrite in my site
  6. No I am Not Integrating one site into other I read somewhere that canonical url is nesessary for making good seo.if we add canonical link in our page it helps google and other search engine to understand our website So i want to add canonical link on each page of my site
  7. I am Doing This in creating subdomain option
  8. Sir When I Going to make subdomain Named * It showing Error That Subdomain only contains character or Numbers
  9. Ok I created One Sub Domain Named "*" Now I What to Do For Make city wise Sub domain of it. My Site Name Is LenaBechna.com And I Hosted My website on Godaddy Now, What i Have to Write on .htaccess or other page
  10. Sir, I have Two Website http://www.oshopindia.com/ and http://www.grabkart.com/ I Want To create canonical url in my both websites How can I Implement it & Check it weather it is working or not
  11. Can This done by wildcard domain
  12. Sir, I have Two Website http://www.oshopindia.com/ and Http://www.grabkart.com/
  13. Here the problem with places with same names is much less, so that's okay. Thanks, I'll try this.
  14. Yes, exactly the same concept, there maybe buyers and sellers in each city. Users would get personalized content from the city they select(that's the easy part ). So the url should change according to their selection. There are other website examples too like olx.in and quikr.com
  15. I'm trying to display products specific to a geographic location on the website. E.g. If a user selects city1 then my website url should change to city1.mysite.com. So the city1 part is dynamic on user selection. Please let me know how this is to be achieved and if this includes mod-rewrite or subdomains for each location. Thanks in advance.
  16. I have write some thing in js folder?
  17. sir I used All css & js Files with absolute paths all css working but only one javascript file not working I write <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.grabkart.com/js/lib/jquery.js" ></script> for this is it true or False
  18. Sir, I write RewriteRule ^product/([^_]*)$ /products.php?catid=$1 [L] on .htaccess file and it's Working but It Showing Pages Without Css I don't Know why? Is My Website's Syntex wrong Or What & What to Do For Fight With This situation
  19. Sir, I write RewriteRule ^product/([^_]*)$ /products.php?catid=$1 [L] on .htaccess file and it's Working but It Showing Pages Without Css I don't Know why? Is My Website's Syntex wrong Or What & What to Do For Fight With This situation
  20. I also Try this but IT Can't Happened You Can See it in http://www.grabkart.com/index1.php Here is my .htaccess file # Do not remove this line, otherwise mod_rewrite rules will stop working RewriteBase / Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/?productdetail/([^/]+)/?$ productdetail.php?prodid=$1 [L]
  21. You can Open http://www.grabkart.com/index1.php And I write <a href="./productdetail/<?=$row_prod['product_id']?>"> on all images And i Write <a href="productdetail.php?prodid=<?=$row_prod['product_id']?>"> On all Product Links And I wrote # Do not remove this line, otherwise mod_rewrite rules will stop working RewriteBase / Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/productdetail/([^/]+)$ productdetail.php?prodid=$1 [L] on my.htaccess file
  22. Ya When I Click On That Link It Redirect to http://www.grabkart.com/productdetail/9449 We Have Multiple hosting Facility in Our Godaddy Server My Website Grabkart.com is in grabkkkart folder But we also have Separate Ftp For my This site Here is my site's structure / index1.php productdetail.php index1.php and productdetail.php Both files are under One root / directory
  23. So Please explain What to do Ya If It's correct Then Why i am not able to Rewrite My Url
  24. What is Wrong Pattern I Also Change Link In my PHP Website <a href="./productdetail/<?=$row_prod['product_id']?>"> and i also write RewriteRule ^/?productdetail/([^/]+)/?$ productdetail.php?prodid=$1 [L]
  25. When I apply You reply #25 It shows : Not FoundThe requested URL /grabkkkart1/productdetail/4385 was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache Server at www.grabkart.com Port 80
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