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Posts posted by jayne1069

  1. This code needs to calculate a profit, I'm really new to this and when I calculate it it shows $0 which is not correct. Could someone please help me and show me where the error is.


     * A program to work out Alfredo's profit from his mobile game
     * @author (Jayne Hill)
     * @version (2013 Semester 2)
    public class profit
     public static void CalculateProfit(); }
            // set up cost and usage parameters)
            final int USERS = 10000;
            final double PRICE = 0.99;
            final double SERVER_PER_MONTH = 100.0;
            final double COST_PER_REQUEST = 0.01/1000;
            final int REQUEST_PER_GAMES = 4;

            final int GAMES_1 = 100;
            final int GAMES_2 = 20;
            final int GAMES_3 = 20;
            final int GAMES_4 = 20;
            final int GAMES_5 = 20;
            final int GAMES_6 = 20;
            final int GAMES_7 = 5;
            final int GAMES_8 = 5;
            final int GAMES_9 = 5;
            final int GAMES_10 = 5;
            final int GAMES_11 = 5;
            final int GAMES_12 = 5;

            double totalCost = 0; // we will accumulate the costs here
            int numberOfRequests; // how many requests in a given month
            // month 1
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_1*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 2
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_2*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 3
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_3*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 4
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_4*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 5
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_5*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 6
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_6*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 7
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_7*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 8
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_8*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 9
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_9*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 10
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_10*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 11
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_11*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            // month 12
            totalCost = totalCost + SERVER_PER_MONTH;
            numberOfRequests = GAMES_12*REQUEST_PER_GAMES*USERS;
            totalCost = totalCost + numberOfRequests*COST_PER_REQUEST;
            //calculate profit
            double profit = USERS*PRICE-totalCost;
            System.out.println("Alfredo's game should make a total profit of $");

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