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Posts posted by catsoup

  1. Thanks for the replies,


    I would actually prefer it to return false for a string like "I " rather than a date. The code I have is checking for dates embeded in text, and they will always be at the start of a string. Unfortunately the date can be just about any format the users PC has it set to, so I cant look for specific formats. I realise that 100% accuracy is therfore not possible, but 99% will do ;)


    I did consider it was considering it to be roman numerals, but 'IV', 'V' or 'II' does return false, so I gave up on that idea.


    For now, I will leave my code checking for 'I<space>' at the start of a string. Not pretty, but I dont have time right now to step through the PHP souce.




    Thanks for the replies :)

  2. Hi All,


    What do you think this should give? :


    echo strtotime('I');


    (Thats a capital 'i')


    On my PHP 5.2.6 and PHP 5.3.3 and  system, it seems to give a time nine hours previously:



    $ cat test.php
    echo "strtotime('$s')=".strtotime($s)."\n";
    echo "date(strtotime('$s'))=".date(DATE_RFC822,strtotime($s))."\n";
    echo "now=".date(DATE_RFC822)."\n";
    $ php test.php


    date(strtotime('I'))=Thu, 29 Aug 13 04:05:22 +0000
    now=Thu, 29 Aug 13 13:05:22 +0000

    Anyone know what format of date/time a single capital 'I' is matching? 



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