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  1. Hi requinix Thank you SO much. The escaped spaces worked out so fine. All the best to you! Thank you once again!
  2. Hello everybody This is my first post here. Hope you guys can help me out. I have moved from a Microsoft server to a Linux server. Now I want to redirect the URLs from .aspx to .php via the .htaccess file. The old URLs is: http://mydomain.com/Om%20Kuren.aspx http://mydomain.com/manden/Til%20mand.aspx http://mydomain.com/kvinden/Til%20Kvinder.aspx http://mydomain.com/Vilkaar%20og%20miljo.aspx http://mydomain.com/Inden%20i%20går%20igang.aspx The new URLs is: http://mydomain.com/om-kuren.php http://mydomain.com/til-manden.php http://mydomain.com/til-kvinder.php http://mydomain.com/vilkaar-og-miljo.php http://mydomain.com/inden-i-gaar-igang.php I have tried the following, that doesn't seems to work: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^Om%20Kuren\.aspx$ http://mydomain.com/om-kuren.php [R=301] RewriteRule ^manden/Til%20mand\.aspx$ http://mydomain.com/til-manden.php [R=301] RewriteRule ^kvinden/Til%20Kvinder\.aspx$ http://mydomain.com/til-kvinder.php [R=301] RewriteRule ^Vilkaar%20og%20miljo\.aspx$ http://mydomain.com/vilkaar-og-miljo.php [R=301] RewriteRule ^Inden%20i%20går%20igang\.aspx$ http://mydomain.com/inden-i-gaar-igang.php [R=301,L] Thanks in advance.
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