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Everything posted by Mannik

  1. I think i got it figured out on my own.. sort of.. And the errors do not show up any more, just doesnt log me in now
  2. I was hoping to have a little help getting this to work. I installed VanillaForum on my website, and wanted to hook my login system into it so they shared a common username, and password (and if possible not have to log in twice) I am using JPMaster's login script found at http://www.evolt.org/node/60384 I was able to get his scripts to read Vanilla's DB and reconize the username and password, but it errors out during the proccessing Hopfully you all can help me out so i can get this working (Yes i know the DB info in the script isnt correct i removed my info when posting this) Login.zip any help will be very helpful Thanks in advanced
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