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Everything posted by eddyb

  1. we are using bb2 because we purchased a forum template that was built on bb2, we bought it because we liked the styling of it than anything else available. but, a few more questions here; is bb3 much more secure from bots than bb2 is? what is the best anti-bot software program out there for bb2 and bb3? since we are 3 quarters of the way done with our bb2 website, would it be beneficial to drop the bb2 and convert over to the bb3 platform? if so, for what reasons? how easy or difficult is it to incorporate my styling features over to bb3? I assume that bb3 would be a better choice for in the long run for new added components coming out? but will there be any new components for bb2 coming down line for people such as myself in this situation with a bb2 website?
  2. there was some anti-bot software component which my webmaster installed but it seems to have no affect. we did put up 2 questions and 2 images as the bots can't understand questions nor look at images but I have no idea how they have gone around this, both those measures don't seem to work surprisingly?
  3. My colleague and I are building a new phpbb2 website to be a car racing forum/marketplace for high end racing cars. We purchased a bb2 template because we liked the look and already knew about bb3. We can't seem to stop bots from signing up as members and posting up advertisements. We installed an anti-bot software program which doesn't do anything, and running out of options. We don't know to continue on or try to make another bb3 template look as the styling does with our old bb2. Or if there is a good anti bot program out there this would help out tremendously.
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