Our many pages at nbg.BikeRoute.com got destroyed when we switched to BlueHost.com. A sub directory that was once cutting edge with a domain name of its own (NationalBicycleGreenway.com), the PHP version 3 it was built with didn't carry over when we transferred our BikeRoute.com site. I, personally, have been pushing for the NBG coast-to-coast bike way since 1986 and have even dedicated my true story in "Awake Again, all the way back from head injury" to making it real. If you are a Big Thinker and can lend your expertise to help us actualise the National Bicycle Greenway now that nbg.BikeRoute.com has helped us map our route, since having our 13-year on-line history on line is very important here, I can pay you a small sum. As well as celebrate your contribution in our widely read blogs if that is not a problem for you. You can reach me at
[email protected]. Or 415-800-3973
I am in Ireland, eight hours ahead of the West Coast.....
THX 4 all of U!!
Martin Krieg Author "Awake Again"
'79 TransCon Upright '86 TransCon 'Bent
'09 Eagle SF to Salt Lake City
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death Survivor
NBG Founding Director, HiWheel Cyclist
Riding only active Eagle in world
NBG Meeting with Ireland President