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Everything posted by Nazwa29

  1. I need the random cd-key from this site when email entered in textbox http://a9.comze.com/2.php to automatically send to email
  2. This if what I have now And i want the code to be sent of to my email and person that inputs email in text box
  3. Basically I want to make very simple .php website success.php When person is redirected they have to input email address then (60char) code shows up they can copy it and a copy is sent to thier email address and my email address
  4. Nazwa29


    Well my question is what do i need to do to make an easy site where you can pick register or login (with a fetures plan) and if they press login it redirwcts to the original login page but there are no original register page so how to make one?
  5. is it right? or wrong place? also in the html Should I change get to post?
  6. Is it more secure?
  7. I have changed the top From To in the html code there is a line Should I change get to post?
  8. could any one Fix the code for me I dont actually know php at all
  9. Lol
  10. Hello I am new to this forum so sorry for any mastikes. I have my own Cloud service and I am using "OwnCloud" View it here I am trying to create a registration page and I can accross a code however many people say that there is a lot of ways that you can hack in for example SQL injection etc. Here is the orginal post with the code that I found So Please Help Thank You.
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