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  1. I don't think I explained myself well. What I want to do is "copy" what Google Chrome does. If the image can fit the div as it is, leave it like that. However, if the image is too big for the div make the div 'resize' the image to make it fit (cover does this right now).
  2. liongold

    Image Viewer

    I am currently building an image viewer something like a Gallery. However, I need to work with several images of different sizes. The viewer currently puts the image in a div and sets the background as a background image. I currently use this CSS code: background: url() no-repeat center cover
  3. It now works. Thanks for helping.
  4. No they contain TST only. The { are from the query itself..
  5. Since I want to be sure, you got me right. I am trying to make this a select statement to select all rows where $fieldx['ShortVersion'] is either in driver1 or driver2 or driver3 or driver4. The rows chosen also should have confirmed = 1
  6. SELECT * FROM table WHERE confirmed = '1' AND '{TST}' IN (test1, test2, test3, test4)
  7. Query was empty message.
  8. With this query: $getu = "SELECT * FROM ".TBL_USERS." WHERE confirmed = '1' AND '{."$fieldx['ShortVersion']."}' IN (test1, test2, test3, test4)"; it's still not working. No error messages. The query runs fine and reports no error.
  9. I have a problem with a part of a function I have built. This part basically gets selects from the database those rows which have field1 as equal to $r['fieldx'] and echo them. When I try mysql_error() nothing gets put but when I do die("Error"), it gives Error so there is a problem with mysql_fetch_array(). Please help me because I've been trying to find the error for ages but still can't. $get = "SELECT * FROM ".TBL." WHERE test = '1' && (test = '".$fieldx['ShortVersion']."' || test2 = '".$fieldx['ShortVersion']."' || test3 = '".$fieldx['ShortVersion']."' || test4 = '".$fieldx['ShortVersion']."')"; $getprocess = mysql_query($get) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<br>Awarding ..."; //Debug ready till here while($getup = mysql_fetch_array($getprocess)) { // This does not run };
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