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  1. i know it's not a database but it make a connection with database ,, and i make a connection and post data to database but there's one thing i'd like to send image to database and select image from database and i know hot to do it but if there's a way to do it inside dreamweaver ?
  2. Hey ,, what's going on guy ! I've a question how i can uplaod image to a database inside Dreamweaver ? without coding ? using dreamweaver tools ?
  3. Hey , i have a problem in encrypting a password in mysql in the register form if anyone registered make their password encrypt in mysql database but when i want to login i must used the encrypting password ,, is there's a way to use that password i entered in register form for e.g ( 1234 ) not the encrypted password
  4. Thank you for you WebStyles and mac_gyver
  5. Hey ,, i would to know how can i redirect the users after login or register to the same that you were in automatically without LINK ! i'm in a photo page if i login or register redirect me to photo page if i'm in another page redirect me to the same page that's what i mean
  6. no answer yes
  7. Hey Guys ! i'm not sure if i posted my topic in the right side anyway .. i have a countdown.js file everything is OK , but the big problem is the countdown not working at all ,( Days , Hours ,Min , Sec) all of this keeps in zero but the count UP work normal this is the source code : http://jsfiddle.net/NdfPR/2/ in line 29 and 30 until: new Date(2014, 4 - 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), since: null, nothing happen with this code but if i changed to this until: null, since: new Date(2014, 4 - 1, 4, 0, 0, 0), the count up will work and i don't count up ,, this js file is linked to my template so if there's anything to solve this problem ,, i'm here if i forget anything to
  8. i have the code that u post it and i didn't change anything on it , now, i want to call the data from tables in my database for e.x : when i choose the option #1 bring me the data from table (web) and showing all data in that table in the student tag and when i choose the option #2 bring me the data from table (net) and showing all data in that table in the student tag and when i choose the option #3 bring me the data from table (prog) and showing all data in that table in the student tag that's all i want !
  9. I have failed until now i can't understand how to get data from table to the select tag I'm not good at programming
  10. i don't know about ajax ! can u help me ?
  11. So , you don't know how can i get data from database to select tag ?
  12. Thanks for both of you jazzman1 it's great now ,, but when i choose option #1 from Dept i want to getting data from the table that i selected and when i choose option #2 from Depti want to getting data from another table and option #3 too !
  13. Hi , i have a database (dept_db) it contents of 3 tables (web , net , prog) , when i choose Dept like for example i makes Dept to (Web) so the (Web) group appears in the Students that get the inserted data from web table and display it in Students .and when i choose (Net) the Net group appears ,and when i don't choose any group ,i want it to disable the Students Select Tag which function must i use and where and how ! this is a example : http://www.redsn0w.us/2010/03/download-direct-links-jailbreak-guides.html
  14. Thank you kicken ! but i don't know how solve it
  15. i have this Logarithm equation ... the one in the red circle is the question ...soo i wanna know how to solve that equation with PHP ?
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