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Posts posted by MulOnPomm

  1. I'm making statistic for 5 tables. I have made the example with one client data.
    And the query is:
    SELECT period, loan_sum, covers, delay
    (SELECT MAX(EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM psc.date)) AS period, 
    (SELECT SUM(psr2.payment) FROM payment_schedule_row AS psr2 WHERE psr.payment_schedule_id = psr2.payment_schedule_id) AS loan_sum,
    (SELECT SUM(psc2.sum) FROM payment_schedule_cover AS psc2 WHERE psc.payment_schedule_id = psc2.payment_schedule_id) AS covers,
    (SELECT SUM(psd2.delay) FROM payment_schedule_delay AS psd2 WHERE psr.id = psd2.payment_schedule_row_id) AS delay
    FROM loan
    INNER JOIN payment_schedule AS ps ON ps.loan_id = loan.id
    INNER JOIN payment_schedule_row AS psr ON psr.payment_schedule_id = ps.id
    INNER JOIN payment_schedule_cover AS psc ON psc.payment_schedule_id = ps.id
    WHERE loan.status = 'payed'
    GROUP BY ps.id) AS sum_by_id
    GROUP BY period

    Sqlfiddle link: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/21585/2/0

    Result for the query:

    period | loan_sum | covers | delay
    201407 | 384      | 422    | 0.07


    Everything is right except the delay. It should be 0.11 (0.07 + 0.03 + 0.01)


    So I have been trying to find the error from the query for days now. Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

  2. Hello,


    so I am a new member here and I would need some help. I could'nt decide if I post my problem to ajax or javascript topic ::) .


     I have bought dating site software called eMeeting. I tried to add a custom javascript slider to the header.  The slider needs jquery library to work, but when I import the library, other scripts from the webpage stop working. 

    So here is a quick demo.  This is my sites header. When I click to "SMS Kuulutused" link (marked with red circle)



    this appears:



    So the problem is now when I click to the status box on the same page nothing happens.



    But if I comment the line below (located in sliders js file)

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 

    Other javascripts from the page will work again and the result for this demo when clicked the red circle would be this:



    It would be really nice if someone has some time to help me or give me some suggestions. Also the webpage is http://flirt.ee


    Best Regards,

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