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Posts posted by Joak

  1. Yes ..... $obj it's an array, and only has 'id' => 2,'name' => 'Jhon'; the value1 and value2 are the names "original" that I recive bye the mobile application ... I forgot change when paste the result of error_log file  ..... I can't do "echo" ... I have a hostting server.

  2. I'm getting this values ...



    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17] Array
        [id] => 2
        [name] => Jhon
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17]
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17]
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17] Execute failed to run
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17] Array
        [value1] => 2
        [value2] => This was sent from ios to server
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17] J
    [09-Jun-2014 12:44:17] J


    The code of function


       function redeem() {
         // Check for required parameters
            $json = file_get_contents('php://input');
            $obj = json_decode($json,true);
            // prepare the query
            $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (?, ?)');
            // loop througght he json objects to insert into mysql
            foreach($obj as $assocArray) {
                $id = $assocArray['id'];
                $name = $assocArray['name'];
                if (!$stmt->execute()) // execute the query´
                   error_log(print_r('Execute failed to run',true));
                   $stmt = $this->db->prepare('COMMIT');


    I'm confused .... why in the first loop, the variables are null? when excute the Insert .,.... I don't have any value in the  variables

  3. Psycho ... I'm only checking the errors in error_log file.


    My code

    class RedeemAPI {
        private $db;
        // Constructor - open DB connection
        function __construct() {
            $this->db = new mysqli('localhost', 'futchoco', 'Futcho1907', 'futchoco_futsoft');
           /* verificar la conexión */
           if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
               printf("Conexión fallida: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
        // Destructor - close DB connection
        function __destruct() {
        // Main method to redeem a code
        function redeem() {
        // Check for required parameters
            $json = file_get_contents('php://input');
            $obj = json_decode($json,true);
            // prepare the query
            $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (?, ?)');
            // loop througght he json objects to insert into mysql
            foreach($obj as $assocArray) {
                $id = $assocArray['id'];
                $name = $assocArray['name'];
                $stmt->execute(); // execute the query
                $stmt = $this->db->prepare('COMMIT');
    // This is the first thing that gets called when this page is loaded
    // Creates a new instance of the RedeemAPI class and calls the redeem method
    $api = new RedeemAPI;

    Which is very different from what you stated in the first post




    Try this:

    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (?, ?)');
    foreach($obj as $assocArray) {
        $id = $assocArray['id'];
        $name = $assocArray['name'];
        $stmt->execute(); // execute the query

    Psycho ..... I don't have any error ...... but I can't insert the record


    that error would mean that the input data you have shown in this thread isn't what the actual data is.


    what does the following show for the contents of $obj -

    echo '<pre>',print_r($obj,true),'</pre>';

    This contents of $obj


    [09-Jun-2014 10:48:55] Array


        [id] => 2

        [name] => Jhon



    because bind_parm() uses references to variables, i was only able to get this to work as follows -

    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (?, ?)');
    foreach($obj as $assocArray) {
        $id = $assocArray[0]['id'];
        $name = $assocArray[1]['name'];
        $stmt->execute(); // execute the query

    Thanks Mac_gyver, but I have gotten a new message error just the first line inside foreach ..... PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use string offset as an array


    You're using mysqli_prepare incorrectly,


    With mysqli_prepare you only define the query, the values being replaced by placeholders. It them returns a statement object ($stmt). With the $stmt object you'd call the bind_param() method to bind the values to the placeholders. Finally you'd call mysqli_execute to execute the query.


    Example code

    // prepare the query
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (?, ?)');
    $assocArray = array('id' => '', 'name' => ''); // define $assocArrat var first
    // bind the values to the placeholders, describing their data types
    $stmt->bind_param('is', intval($assocArray['id']), $assocArray['name']);
    // loop througght he json objects to insert into mysql
    foreach($obj as $assocArray) {
        $stmt->execute(); // execute the query


    Ch0cu3r, thanks for you comment. I fix it, I have not any error message, but how can I do the commit?

    $stmt = $this->db->commit();

  8. Hi guys


    A mobile application send data in Json format, so I want to insert the data into Mysql table, when I try to insert I have gotten the error "PHP Warning: mysqli::prepare() expects exactly 1 parameter, 3 given", my table only has 2 columns, "id" and "name" column.


    The array has this data

    [0] => ('id', '2')
    [1] => ('name', 'Jhon')

    The function to parse and insert data ...

    function redeem() {
        // Check for required parameters
            $json = file_get_contents('php://input');
            $obj = json_decode($json,true);
            // Assumes $obj == array(0 => $assocArray, 1 => $assocArray)
            foreach($obj as $index => $assocArray) {
                // Assumes $assocArray == array(0 => array('id' => '2'), 1 => array('name' => 'John'))
                $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO prueba (id,nombre) VALUES (%d,%s)',$assocArray[0]['id'],$assocArray[1]['name']) or die(mysqli_error($this->db));
  9. Hello guys.


    I execute a query and then put the records into array, the query has ORDER BY .... why I don't have the same order in the array?,  If I execute the query, the record one it's no the same that $arreglo[0].

    $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT a.id_torneo, b.tor_nombre, a.id_jornada, a.id_juego, a.cal_fecha_hora, id_arbitro, a.cal_estatus, a.cal_default,
             c.id_equipo, d.equ_nombre, c.enc_locvis, e.id_jugador, e.jug_nombre_pila, e.jug_apellido_pat, e.jug_apellido_mat, e.jug_representante, e.jug_numero, jug_fechimp_reg
             FROM calendario a, torneo b, encuentro c, equipo d, jugador e
             WHERE a.id_cliente =? AND a.id_sucursal = ? AND
                         date(a. cal_fecha_hora)= date(?) AND
              a.id_cliente = b.id_cliente AND
              a.id_sucursal = b.id_sucursal AND
              a.id_torneo = b.id_torneo AND
              a.id_cliente = c.id_cliente AND
              a.id_sucursal = c.id_sucursal AND
              a.id_torneo    = c.id_torneo AND
              a.id_jornada =  c.id_jornada AND
              a.id_juego =    c.id_juego AND
              a.id_cliente =   d.id_cliente AND
             c.id_sucursal =  d.id_sucursal AND
             c.id_torneo =  d.id_torneo AND
             c.id_equipo =  d.id_equipo AND
             d.id_cliente = e.id_cliente AND
             d.id_sucursal = e.id_sucursal AND
             d.id_torneo = e.id_torneo AND
             d.id_equipo = e.id_equipo AND
             e.jug_estatus = "A"
                     ORDER BY 5,11') or die(mysqli_error($this->db));
            $stmt->bind_param("iis", $cliente, $sucursal, $fecha);
            $stmt->bind_result($id_torneo, $tor_nombre, $id_jornada, $id_juego, $fecha_partido, $id_arbitro, $cal_estatus, $cal_default, $id_equipo, $equipo_nombre, $locvis, $id_jugador, $jug_nombre, $jug_apellidop, $jug_apellidom, $jug_rep, $jug_playera, $jug_fechareg);        
            $arreglo = array() ;    
            $contador = 0;   
            while  ($stmt->fetch()) {
                $arreglo[$contador] = array("id_torneo"=>$id_torneo,"torneo_nombre"=>$tor_nombre,"id_jornada"=>$id_jornada,"id_juego"=>$id_juego,"fecha_partido"=>$fecha_partido,"id_arbitro"=>$id_arbitro,"cal_estatus"=>$cal_estatus,"cal_default"=>$cal_default,"id_equipo"=>$id_equipo,"equipo_nombre"=>$equipo_nombre,"locvis"=>$locvis,"id_jugador"=>$id_jugador,"jug_nombre"=>$jug_nombre,"jug_apellidop"=>$jug_apellidop,"jug_apellidom"=>$jug_apellidom,"jug_rep"=>$jug_rep,"jug_player"=>$jug_playera,"jug_fechareg"=>$jug_fechareg);
  10. WEBSTYLES ... you right .... ALL are player's Vodka team .. they have to exist in the first level





        nom_equipo:"Vodka Juniors"

        locvis: "L"

        [ ]Jugadores



             jugador_nom:"Juan Carlos"

  11. Thanks Psycho

    The problem it's when I want to convert to JSON format

    with your code I got this...
       nom_equipo:"Vodka Juniors"

    And I want this format ..... notice Jugadores it's another level of my first array(Equipos)
       nom_equipo:"Vodka Juniors"

  12. Zane .... I have gotten the same result .... Jugadores doesen't part for the Equipo array


    $equipo['Jugadores'] = $jugador;


      "0": {
        "id_equipo": "7",
        "nom_equipo": "Vodka Juniors",
        "locvis": "L"
      "Jugadores": [
          "id_jugador": "12",
          "jugador_nom": "Omar",
          "jugador_pat": "Ortiz",
          "jugador_mat": "Flores",
          "jug_repre": "N",
          "jug_playera": "16",
          "fechareg": null


    I want this....


      "0": {
        "id_equipo": "7",
        "nom_equipo": "Vodka Juniors",
        "locvis": "L",
      "Jugadores": [
          "id_jugador": "12",
          "jugador_nom": "Omar",
          "jugador_pat": "Ortiz",
          "jugador_mat": "Flores",
          "jug_repre": "N",
          "jug_playera": "16",
          "fechareg": null

  13. Hello WebStyles


    The results...


    //Jugadores Array
        [0] => Array
                [id_jugador] => 12
                [jugador_nom] => Omar
                [jugador_pat] => Ortiz
                [jugador_mat] => Flores
                [jug_repre] => N
                [jug_playera] => 16
                [fechareg] =>

        [1] => Array
                [id_jugador] => 1
                [jugador_nom] => Francisco
                [jugador_pat] => Rojas
                [jugador_mat] => Ortega
                [jug_repre] => N
                [jug_playera] => 17
                [fechareg] =>
    //Equipo Array
        [0] => Array
                [id_equipo] => 7
                [nom_equipo] => Vodka Juniors
                [locvis] => L


  14. Hello


    I still unresolved my case .... I use the array_slice function, but "Jugadores" it's wrong level I want to put down "locvis" level .....I get this array ..

      "0": {
        "id_equipo": "7",
        "nom_equipo": "Vodka Juniors",
        "locvis": "L"
      "Jugadores": [
          "id_jugador": "10",
          "jugador_nom": "Mario Jaxiel",
          "jugador_pat": null,
          "jugador_mat": "Vargas",
          "jug_repre": "N",
          "jug_playera": "898",
          "fechareg": null
          "id_jugador": "6",
          "jugador_nom": "Misael Yahir",
          "jugador_pat": null,
          "jugador_mat": "Morlan",
          "jug_repre": "N",
          "jug_playera": "1",
          "fechareg": null


    The correct array


      "0": {
        "id_equipo": "7",
        "nom_equipo": "Vodka Juniors",
        "locvis": "L",
        "Jugadores": [
            "id_jugador": "10",
            "jugador_nom": "Mario Jaxiel",
            "jugador_pat": null,
            "jugador_mat": "Vargas",
            "jug_repre": "N",
            "jug_playera": "898",
            "fechareg": null
            "id_jugador": "6",
            "jugador_nom": "Misael Yahir",
            "jugador_pat": null,
            "jugador_mat": "Morlan",
            "jug_repre": "N",
            "jug_playera": "1",
            "fechareg": null

  15. Hello

    I have two arrays, and both I want to convert in one like this structure .... both arrays are Equipos array and Jugadores array, how can I do?








        id_equipo : 5

        nom_equipo: San Blas

        locvis: L



            id_jugador : 1

            name: Robert




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