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Everything posted by rm65453

  1. Resolved.
  2. Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_avg_daily_rx() in /home3/ahallan/public_html/apothesaurusrx.com/wp-content/themes/jobify-child-01/content-single-job_listing.php on line 95 pretty much I am trying to call the values stored in the new fields I introduced in the wp-job-manager-fields.php through the other two files. i thought it would be straight forward cause all of them were stored at the same location but I am definitley missing something.
  3. I do not have a lot of experience with php coding and am in the process of setting up a website. Most of the work has been done but I have run into a problem The theme I used has a default job listing form which was not serving my purpose, so I used a plugin to introduce new fields. The data entered in them is saved in wordpress. The only problem is when I try to call them out in the job listing, it returns a Fatal error: Call to undefined function. the fields collected from original job listing form can be called without any problems. I am at a lose trying to figure out how to declare them. any help will be very much appreciated. wp-job-manager-fields.php content-single-job.php content-single-job_listing.php
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