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Everything posted by Equium

  1. sorry we being blind new user and would this be easy to do with java i have no experience with java...
  2. hmm why is my topic not showing up
  3. Hi basically i run a only text based mafia game After you commit a GTA it says you need to wait 2 mins but loads the time you have to wait like this: You need to lay low for a little while. 00:03:56 and stays like that i would like it to actually count down while your on the page not have to keep refreshing. How would i go about doing this here is the code for that snippet: <?php if($rank >= "2"){ if(time() <= $gta_information[0]){ if(!$_POST['Commit']){ echo "You need to lay low for a little while.<br />".date( "00:i:s", $gta_information[0] - time() ); }
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