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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. Again its the same issue, you're not escaping your quotes within strings. You should go through your code and ensure you have escaped your quotes correctly.
  2. You need to add index.htm to your DirectoryIndex directive in Apaches httpd.conf After applying the changes Apache will need to be restarted
  3. Isn't that part of camtasia studio already?
  4. Is this on another page? As I do not see <br /> on line 20 in the code above.
  5. You just replace the variables I mentioned above with the new ones.
  6. For some reason the $pa_lang["include_file"] is not defined which is causing the error. You sure your have your script setup correctly?
  7. Correct.
  8. DELETE should be used to delete specific rows. You should use 'TRUNCATE TABLE tablename' to clear a tables contents.
  9. This is the problem you face when register_globals is disabled. Looking at your code $searchtype and $searchterm should be $_POST['searchtype'] and $_POST['searchterm']
  10. Unlocked, but just as easily locked next time. Was this locked? I didn't realise it had been.
  11. The script you have has two issues: - It uses short tags (<?) not all PHP configurations have short_open_tag enabled. You should always use full PHP tags (<?php ?>) - It replies on register_globals. Register_globals is now depreciated and is disabled by default. It is soon to removed completely as of PHP6
  12. You're not escaping quotes within your strings, When you start a string with double quotes (") you must escape any double quotes within the string (\"), eg echo "<a href=\"link.html\">Link</a>"; The same applies if you start a string with single quotes too, this time you escape any single quotes within the string. echo '<a href=\'link.html\'>Link</a>';
  13. Use count($_POST) to get the number of post variables.
  14. PHP is trying to include the folder lang/ this is not possible, you can only include/require files. Post line 1 - 10 here from language.php
  15. What! You're confusing the hell of me! When the user goes to http://alltraxx.uni.cc/index.php?id=X -- X being a number. Whats supposed to happen?
  16. How do you currently have Apache configured? You most probably have something misconfigured.
  17. I do not understand your current problem, however includes are not replacements for iframes. Why do you need to use iframes?
  18. The main problem I see is your site is completely made up of images. Using images as content is a definate no-no, yes use it for (sub) headings but for all text within your page!. If I was you I'd look into simplifying your design
  19. This is classic symptoms of the mysql extension not being enabled. Have a read of this sticky
  20. whats in newsinc.php
  21. That is correct. Have you tested it yet.
  22. Remove the following function mysql_fetch_array($res) { $row = array(); $result = array(); if ($result = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $nf = mysql_num_fields($res)+1; for($count=1; $count < $nf; $count++) { $field_name = mysql_field_name($res, $count); $field_value = mysql_result($res, $count); $row[$field_name] = $field_value; } and your code should work, all the above code does is simulate the actual built in mysql_fetch_array function.
  23. I doubt there is a PHP script out there for what you want. The only possible alternative is imagemagick I'm afraid.
  24. Umm, looks like your host may not allow the php_flag or php_value flags! Get in contact with your host about this issue. They should be able to fix it.
  25. Add 'echo ' (without the quotes) before (($catName['id'] == $_GET['c'])
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