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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. Rather than do: if( !$sql ) die(mysql_error()); Just add an or die clause after mysql_query instead: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT upfc FROM Loans WHERE loan_id = '$loan_id'") or die('Query error: ' . mysql_error());
  2. @jonoc33 are you getting a blank page when you run the above code? If you do see if you can enable a setting called display_errors within the php.ini (if accessable to you) or within a .htaccess file like so: php_value display_errors On php_value error_reporting E_ALL Make sure you place the .htaccess file within your sites root folder (where you upload your sites files to), also you don't provide a filename for the .htaccess file. The file you create is just called .htaccess
  3. You could use the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] variable. That variable will hold the referral url (The url to the site in which the user came from to get to yours)
  4. To test to see if Apache is running properly make sure you go to http://localhost That address will invoke Apache and you should either get a It Works message or a Index of page displayed. If you get either of the two mentioned then Apache is working fine. If you don't then make sure Apache is running via the Apache Service Monitor in the Taskbar.
  5. DO you mean code which looks like this: echo <<<EOF big block of output here EOF; If so that is called a HEREDOC statement.
  6. You'll want the latest version which will be: apache_2.2.6-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
  7. Looks like your code relies upon register globals and maybe the reason why your site does work. You should try to update your code.
  8. use the in_array function
  9. You cant echo arrays like you can with strings. You can use print_r to see what your array contains. To retrieve the bor_id from your query use the following: $bor = "SELECT bor_id FROM Borrowers where ssn = '$ssn' AND bln = '$bln'"; $bor2 = mysql_query($bor); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($bor2); echo $row['bor_id'];
  10. This line: $bor2 = mysql($bor); Should be: $bor2 = mysql_query($bor);
  11. Best to upgrade to PHP5.2.x IMO. Most PHP4 code is backwards compatible with PHP5.
  12. Last time I checked PHP4 doesn't come with an Apache2.2.x module. Only PHP5 comes with Apache2.2.x module. In order for PHP4 to work with Apache2.2.x you'll need to download the unoffical module from apachelounge.com Make sure you are running the latest versions of AMP in Vista. If you find you get any problems running Apache, PHP or MySQL in vista then set the Apache, PHP or MySQL executables to Windows XP SP2 compatibly mode. I had to do this for the Apache Monitor executable in order for it function properly.
  13. You are calling your class variable incorrectly. When calling internal class variables you dont need to use the $ sign, eg: $varr = mysclass::myvar
  14. To find out why you query isn't running add mysql_error to your or die clause: $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die ("Unable to perform query: $query<p>".mysql_error()); I have a feeling that it is because you are have column named as a reserved word (password). Rerun your code again and it should output an error from mysql why your query is failing
  15. You'll want to look into the mod_speling module
  16. I find the 'faux columns' technique the best for simple two column'd layouts. Apply the attached image below as a background image for the contentcontainer div (#contentcontainer) and apply the following css to to it: background-image: url(content_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; Now remove the all borders (except the bottom borders) and background colours from #nav and #content. Reload your page and you should now find that both the nav and content divs appear to be of the same height of each other. [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. Correct.
  18. Is that swf file a flash object? If so you shouldn't be using include in that mannor. You only use include on files which only contain PHP code. You don't use it to include images/objects into your page. If you want to include an flash object (swf file) into your web page you'll need to use the relevant html code for that.
  19. mysql_fetch_array returns both an associative array ($row[abc]) and a numerical array ($row[0])
  20. Have a look at the stickys in the Regex Forum most importantly the one marked common expressions.
  21. There is no field called game_file_url being returned from the SQL query in the above code. However there is a field called game_file_name do you mean to use that instead?
  22. You can get it load via TinyMCE which requires the TinyMCE FileManager plugin or just use PHP to populate the textarea with the source code of the HTML file you wish to edit. TinyMCE should then allow you to modify the loaded html file
  23. Yes you can do that with PHP and You can use TinyMCE for editing your html pages. An example can be found here.
  24. PHP requires the library php_mysql.dll to be enabled (in the php.ini) in order for PHP to be used with MySQL. Just because MySQL itself is installed and working via the command line doesn't mean PHPMyAdmin will work. Have you enabled the mysql extension within the php.ini? Is PHP reading the php.ini you are editing? What OS are you using?
  25. How is the content being stored? Looking at the admin page you're using a flat file database. Without seeing your code I can't really provide any code.
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