I'm looking for a part time PHP developer that I can contact to assist us with snippets of code and also work on some projects. We pay by the hour and sometimes a lump sum for projects.
We use codeigniter for a lot of our new projects, it's a very well documented framework so if you aren't familiar with it that is okay but be prepared to work with it.
I would prefer if you had some previous work or project experience and an example of your work. We are looking for someone who is diligent and preferably in the New York area but if you aren't that is okay, you can work remotely.
Here are some of the types of projects that we work on that you may be asked to do:
WordPress plugins
Custom content management systems
Job board customizations
Web based trading and analytics platform
Business AI for automated phone systems (PHP w/ FreePBX)
WHMCS plugins
The most common work offered to you would be:
Snippets of code that will do a specific task such as get data from an API or clean up input text.
Setting up wordpress websites based on what customers needs are, a theme will be provided to you.
Fixing bugs in current projects
We will provide you with any resources you may need such as Adobe Dreamweaver CC or a development server, just let us know.
Please contact ryany[at]serverbays[dot]com with any work experience and some background information about yourself.
Thank you!