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  1. <?php $site_email = $row["[email protected]"]; $email25=$_REQUEST['email']; $action=$_REQUEST['action']; if ($action=="") /* display the contact form */ { ?> <form id="ContactForm" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit"> <div> <div class="wrapper"> <span>Your Name:</span> <input type="text" class="input" name="name" maxlenght="15"> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <span>Your E-mail:</span> <input type="text" class="input" name="email" > </div> <div class="textarea_box"> <span>Your Message:</span> <textarea name="textarea" cols="1" rows="1"></textarea> </div> <input type="submit" class="button1"> <a href="contact.php" class="button1">Clear</a> </div> </form> <?php } else /* send the submitted data */ { $name=$_REQUEST['name']; $email=$_REQUEST['email']; $message=$_REQUEST['textarea']; if (($name=="")||($email=="")||($message=="")) { echo "All fields are required, please fill <a href=\"\">the form</a> again."; } else{ $from="From: $name<$email>\r\nReturn-path: $email"; $subject= $subject1; mail($to =$site_email, $message, $from); echo " <div class=\"contactform\"> Thank you for contacting us, please wait for our reply! </div> "; } } ?> The only problem is that im not recieving the email :/ Any Help ? I would really appreciate it and thank you
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