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Posts posted by anthonyJ

  1. Way in over my head here.


    How exactly do I you set the 'select' attribute on the pertinent option tag I see this 


    if($field == "state")

    echo "<label for='$field'>$label</label>
    <select id='$field' name='$field'>\n"

    foreach ( $states_list as $abbr => $sname )
    echo "<option value='$abbr'>$sname</option>\n";  [{{I am assumming here somewhere???}}]
    echo "</select>\n";


    This is making my head explode, I am horrible with this stuff.

  2. Yes sorry heres the code to build the dropdown:


    if($field == "state")
    echo "<label for='$field'>$label</label>
    <select id='$field' name='$field'>\n";

    foreach ( $states_list as $abbr => $sname )
    echo "<option value='$abbr'>$sname</option>\n";
    echo "</select>\n";


    Then how do I get this dropdown to keep the selection of the user on the next build?


    hmmm I am pretty bad at this stuff but can try a few things I guess. Use the $sname variable in the good data maybe, not sure.

  3. My problem is when the entries in the form are validated and some fields with incorrect entries are found the fields filled out stay on the re-load of the form, all of them except the US States drop down menu which reverts back to Alabama every time.


    I would like to see that the user selection stays in place even after a re-load of the form. and with my limited experience I am having an issue trying to figure this out for a school project.


    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, like what variables to create/call on and where exactly I insert this code.


    Much appreciated.


    here is the display code:


    /* Program name: exercise_4_form.inc
    * Description: Defines a form that collects a user's
    * name and mailing address.
    $rows = array( "first_name" => "First Name (optional)",
    "last_name" => "Last Name",
    "phone" => "Phone Number",
    "city" => "City",
    "state" => "State",
    "address" => "Address",
    "zip_code" => "ZIP Code",
    "e_mail" => "E-Mail");
    $states_list = array('AL'=>"Alabama",'AK'=>"Alaska",'AZ'=>"Arizona",
    'DE'=>"Delaware",'DC'=>"District Of Columbia",'FL'=>"Florida",'GA'=>"Georgia",
    'HI'=>"Hawaii",'ID'=>"Idaho",'IL'=>"Illinois", 'IN'=>"Indiana", 'IA'=>"Iowa",
    'MD'=>"Maryland", 'MA'=>"Massachusetts",'MI'=>"Michigan",'MN'=>"Minnesota",
    'NV'=>"Nevada",'NH'=>"New Hampshire",'NJ'=>"New Jersey",'NM'=>"New Mexico",
    'NY'=>"New York",'NC'=>"North Carolina",'ND'=>"North Dakota",'OH'=>"Ohio",
    'OK'=>"Oklahoma", 'OR'=>"Oregon",'PA'=>"Pennsylvania",'RI'=>"Rhode Island",
    'SC'=>"South Carolina",'SD'=>"South Dakota",'TN'=>"Tennessee",'TX'=>"Texas",
    'UT'=>"Utah",'VT'=>"Vermont",'VA'=>"Virginia",'WA'=>"Washington",'WV'=>"West Virginia",
    $submit = "Submit mailing information";
    <style type='text/css'>
    body {
    background: #42413C;
    color: #000;
    font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
    font-size: 90%;
    form {
    margin: 1em 2 2 2;
    padding: 1;
    width: 1100px;
    margin-left: 35%;
    .field {padding-bottom: 1em;
    label {
    font-weight: bold;
    float: left;
    width: 15%;
    margin-right: 1em;
    text-align: right;
    background-color: #9F6;
    padding-right: 5px;
    select {margin-bottom: 1em;}
    #submit {
    margin-left: 15%;
    h3 {
    width: 500px;
    margin-left: 35%;
    <h3>Please enter your mailing information below:</h3>
    /* loop that displays the form */
    echo "<form action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' method='POST'>";
    foreach($rows as $field => $label)
    if($field == "state")
    echo "<label for='$field'>$label</label>
    <select id='$field' name='$field'>\n";
    foreach ( $states_list as $abbr => $sname )
    echo "<option value='$abbr'>$sname</option>\n";
    echo "</select>\n";
    echo "<div class='field'><label for='$field'>$label</label>
    <input id='$field' name='$field' type='text' value='".@$$field."'
    size='25%' maxlength='65' /></div>\n";
    echo "<div id='submit'>
    <input type='hidden' name='submitted' value='yes'>
    <input type='submit' value='$submit'></div>";
    Here is the Logic on the combined php file that displays and has the statements on it for the form:


    /* Program name: exercise_4_form_verifications.php
    * Description: Program checks all the form fields for
    * blank fields and verifies them
    if(isset($_POST['submitted']) and $_POST['submitted'] == "yes")
    foreach($_POST as $field => $value)
    if($field != "first_name")
    $blank_array[] = $field;
    $good_data[$field] = strip_tags(trim($value));
    if(@sizeof($blank_array) > 0)
    $message = "<p style='color: black; margin-bottom: 0;font-weight: bold; margin-left: 35%'>
    You didn't fill in one or more required fields.
    You must enter:
    <ul style='color: yellow; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 35%;
    list-style: none' >";
    foreach($blank_array as $value)
    $message .= "<li>$value</li>";
    $message .= "</ul>";
    echo $message;
    foreach($_POST as $field => $value)
    $name_verify = "/^[A-Za-z' -]{1,50}$/";
    $phone_verify = "/^[0-9)(xX -]{7,20}$/";
    $city_verify = "/^[A-Za-z' -]{1,50}$/";
    $address_verify = "/^[A-Za-z0-9 .,'-]{1,50}$/";
    $zip_verify = "/^[0-9]{5}(\-[0-9]{4})?$/";
    $e_mail_verify = "/^.+@.+\\..+$/";
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid last name";
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid phone number";
    } // endif phone format check
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid city";
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid address";
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid ZIP code";
    $error_array[] = "$value is not a valid e-mail address";
    $clean_data[$field] = strip_tags(trim($value));
    if(@sizeof($error_array) > 0)
    $message = "<ul style='color: yellow; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 35%;
    list-style: none' >";
    foreach($error_array as $value)
    $message .= "<li>$value</li>";
    $message .= "</ul>";
    echo $message;
    echo "<ol>";
    foreach($_POST as $field => $value)
    { echo "<h3><li> $field = $value</li></h3>";
    echo "</ol>";
  4. I am having a helluva time trying to populate my state option box with a state array.

    I have the array set but now how does this get called into the foreach block where the select box is? I can populate it i guess with options manually but I want to get the array to display in the box instead.

    I tried everything with the minimal experience I have so I need a little help, I got the select box up and displaying where I want it but I cant populate it with an array call.


    See foreach block near the end of the code:

    Thanks a bunch!

    here is my include file code so far:

     /*  Program name: form_test_state.inc
      *  Description:  Defines a form that collects a user's
      *                name and mailing address.
    $rows = array( "first_name" => "First Name",
                     "last_name" => "Last Name",
                     "phone" => "Phone Number",
                     "city" => "City",
                     "state" => "State",
                     "address" => "Address",
                     "zip_code" => "ZIP Code",
                     "e_mail" => "E-Mail");
        $states_list = array('AL'=>"Alabama",'AK'=>"Alaska",'AZ'=>"Arizona",'AR'=>"Arkansas",'CA'=>"California",'CO'=>"Colorado",'CT'=>"Connecticut",'DE'=>"Delaware",'DC'=>"District Of Columbia",'FL'=>"Florida",'GA'=>"Georgia",'HI'=>"Hawaii",'ID'=>"Idaho",'IL'=>"Illinois", 'IN'=>"Indiana", 'IA'=>"Iowa",  'KS'=>"Kansas",'KY'=>"Kentucky",'LA'=>"Louisiana",'ME'=>"Maine",'MD'=>"Maryland", 'MA'=>"Massachusetts",'MI'=>"Michigan",'MN'=>"Minnesota",'MS'=>"Mississippi",'MO'=>"Missouri",'MT'=>"Montana",'NE'=>"Nebraska",'NV'=>"Nevada",'NH'=>"New Hampshire",'NJ'=>"New Jersey",'NM'=>"New Mexico",'NY'=>"New York",'NC'=>"North Carolina",'ND'=>"North Dakota",'OH'=>"Ohio",'OK'=>"Oklahoma", 'OR'=>"Oregon",'PA'=>"Pennsylvania",'RI'=>"Rhode Island",'SC'=>"South Carolina",'SD'=>"South Dakota",'TN'=>"Tennessee",'TX'=>"Texas",'UT'=>"Utah",'VT'=>"Vermont",'VA'=>"Virginia",'WA'=>"Washington",'WV'=>"West Virginia",'WI'=>"Wisconsin",'WY'=>"Wyoming");            
    $submit = "Submit mailing information";
      <style type='text/css'>
    body {
        background: #42413C;
        color: #000;
        font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
        font-size: 90%;
          form {
            margin: 1em 2 2 2;
            padding: 1;
            width: 1100px;
            margin-left: 35%;

          .field {padding-bottom: 1em;
            label {
            font-weight: bold;
            float: left;
           width: 10%;
    margin-right: 1em;
            text-align: right;
            background-color: #9F6;
    padding-right: 5px;
          select {margin-bottom: 1em;}
          #submit {
            margin-left: 15%;
    h3 {
    width: 500px;
    margin-left: 35%;

    <h3>Please enter your mailing information below:</h3>
     /* loop that displays the form */

      echo "<form action='checkBlankOnly_latest.php' method='post'>";

      foreach($rows as $field => $label)

      if($field == "state")
          echo "<label for='$field'>$label</label>
          <select name='State'>                          <<<<  Insert $states_list array here I am trying to figure out >>>>
      <option value='state'>Alabama </option>
    </select> ";

        echo "<div class='field'><label for='$field'>$label</label>
                <input id='$field' name='$field' type='text' value='".@$$field."'  
       size='25%' maxlength='65' /></div>\n";
      echo "<div id='submit'>
        <input type='submit' value='$submit'></div>";


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