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Posts posted by Irmozo

  1. Hello,

    I have a very big problem with stolen data and i don't know how to STOP that.

    The situation :

    I have a website where i spend lot of time to register events and info on events (something like www.CoolEvents.com)
    Users can log in and then comment events, and do others actions when logged.

    The PROBLEM :

    Someone created AN IPHONE APPLICATION that is an EXACT copy of my website, and is name CoolEvent App !!!
    Same infos, same comments, and you can log in via this app (parsing my site) and post comment on my website !

    It's horrible for me, because 40% of my users now used this application (who earn money by displaying advertising).
    So i losed 40% of visitors !!!

    Without using legal channels, how can i STOP an IPHONE APP to parse my website or to acces to my website ?
    Do you know a TECHNICAL solution to prevent an APP to PARSE and then copy my website ?
    At least, is it possible to made it IMPOSSIBLE to log in to my website (and so be able to post comment on my site) by using this APP ?

    Thanks for your help !!

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