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  1. Yes it's a short space of time but moves too fast for me!
  2. Thanks a lot for that, that's exactly what I need. I'm pleased that you sound optimistic about it, I do like the portal though a few things are a bit outdated now, but I think it's worth a new lease of life...have you viewed the site?
  3. Thanks for your response. i used this in AEForum: $connection = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$db); And also in MKPortal's aef driver file. The result was that aeforum worked as usual and displayed correctly inside mkportal, i.e. showing the side panels of MK, but MK's home page was just blank with no error reported. I carefully went through a lot of files to find the following: if((mysql_num_rows($qresult) > 0)){ for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($qresult); $i++){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qresult); $globals[$row['name']] = $row['regval']; } } @mysql_free_result($qresult); //Load Session File include_once($globals['mainfiles'].'/sessions.php'); //Checks a user is logged in include_once($globals['mainfiles'].'/checklogin.php'); //Is the user Logged In $logged_in = checklogin(); Plus a load more in AEF's functions.php. I'm assuming that these need to be re-writen somehow, but as mentioned I'm not too smart! But I do get the hang of things quick, with a bit of guidance.
  4. Hi, I'm an old boy with concentration problems due to illness but do get some days when i can focus well, but it's difficult for me to learn coding from scratch and I'm more of a tinkerer. I recently decided to try my hand at modernising an old open source Portal/Forum MKPortal integrated with AEF forum, both of which are now non existent. After doing a decent job on the template I thought it might be a good idea to fork it, then realised it uses mysql rather than mysqli. MKportal integrates with several forums but the one supplied with it is AEF which is no longer in development, and while I recognise that will be a problem I would still like to continue trying to update it, with my limited knowledge. MK uses 'drivers' to connect with AEF and the code used in both of them is as follows: $conn = mysql_connect($globals['server'], $globals['user'], $globals['password']); @mysql_select_db($globals['database'], $conn) or die( "Unable to select database"); Simply changing it to mysqli doesn't work but I was able to get AEF forum to use mysqli, only to find there is also a problem with a functions.php file in AEF which prevents MK from working. Both work fine using mysql up to php5.6 but later versions of php do not use mysql. If anyone would like to look at the site as it is at the moment please do, http://oraclemeters.com I would like to know what your thoughts are, if i should persevere with my quest or if it's a total waste of time? Thanks.
  5. Hello to everyone! I've got a script written in php4 and would like to convert it to php5, I can't find either a paid or open source version of any script similar. I don't know enough to do this myself, but can work it all out if someone could give me a hand with this first part, how would this be written in php5? <?php session_start(); // Require standard files include("./require/config.php"); require("./require/authmember.php"); require("./require/functions.php"); include("./include/get_config.inc.php"); $content="./include/index.inc.php"; if(session_is_registered("valid_user")) { $menu="./include/menu_v.inc.php"; } else { $menu="./include/menu_u.inc.php"; } //Page Description $page_title="Welcome to $site_name"; //Meta description tag $description=""; //Meta keywords tag $keywords=""; include("./include/header.inc.php"); include("./include/body.inc.php"); include("./include/footer.inc.php"); ?> Your help would be most appreciated, thanks in advance.
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