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Posts posted by killerprince182

  1. I am trying to create a page which displays user profile. I have created two classes one is dbconnect(which is database class) and the other is Profile class(which shows profile).


    Now I am trying to pass object of dbconnect class as arguments for the constructor of profile class. I am getting error undefined variable database_profile


    Here is my code of profile php

    	class Profile{
    		private $user_id;
    		private $profile_array;
    		private $database_profile;
    		public function __construct($user,dbconnect $database_link){ 
    			$this->user_id = $user;
    			$this->database_profile = $database_link;
    		public function make_array(){
    			$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$this->user_id'";	
    			$result = $database_profile->run_query($sql);
    			$profile_array = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);	
    			echo $profile_array['first_name'];
    		public function show_profileinfo(){
    		public function profilepic(){
    			return $profile_array['avatar'];
    	//Loads database
    	$database_connect = new dbconnect("localhost","root","");
    	//Loads Profile
    	$profile = new Profile($_SESSION['userid'],$database_connect);

    Here is my code of dbconnect class

    	class dbconnect{
    		public $database_selected;
    		private $data_select;
    		public function __Construct($host,$user,$pass){
    			$this->database_selected = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass);
    			if (!$this->database_selected)
    				echo "Connection to database failed";
    				echo "Connection to database successful!"; 
    		public function select_database($database_name){
    			$this->data_select = mysqli_select_db($this->database_selected, $database_name);
    				echo "Connection to table failed";
    				echo "Connection to table successful!"; 	
    		public function close_connection(){
    			$close = mysqli_close($this->database_selected);
    			if ($close)
    				echo "<p>Connection successfully closed</p>";
    				echo "<p>Failure in closing connection</p>";
    		//Returns aither true or false
    		public function run_query($sql){ 
    			return $query_success = mysqli_query($this->database_selected,$sql);
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