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Posts posted by Whitter

  1. How to change "font size" in PHP?

    $print_username = "Username: $GetPlayerName"; 
        $print_score = "Score: $GetPlayerScore";
        $print_money = "Money: $GetPlayerMoney";

    Font size is small, I want to make it bigger.

  2. When you press the `Submit` do not display my signature image.
    Image: http://i.imgur.com/tSuKsF0.png?1
    The `signature.php` is the problem. index.html works perfectly.


        - Nordoz - Original Script
        - pds2k12 - Editing & fixing the script.
    $username = "UserName"; //Your MySQL Username.
    $password = "Password"; // Your MySQL Pass.
    $database = "DataBase Name"; // Your MySQL database.
    $host = "Host Name"; // Your MySQL host.
    $player_name = $_GET[ 'player_name' ];
    mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); // Connection to the database. on this line
    @mysql_select_db($database) or die("ERROR: Sorry, We can't connect on your database, please re check if you entered the right information.");
    /* To protect MySQL injection. */
    $player_name = stripslashes($player_name);
    $player_name = mysql_real_escape_string($player_name);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE user = '$player_name'";  
    $result = mysql_query( $query );
    $i = mysql_num_rows( $result );
    if ($i == 1)
        // Creating of the .png image.
        header('Content-Type: image/png;');
        $im = @imagecreatefrompng('signature.png') or die("ERROR: Cannot select the correct image. Please contact the webmaster.");
       //Creating the colour.
        $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);//color black
        //Creating the font.s
        $font = 'font.ttf';
        $GetPlayerName = mysql_result($result, 0, "user"); // Gets the username of the player and put it in the variable $Playername.
        $GetPlayerMoney = mysql_result($result, 0, "Money"); // Gets the money of the player and put it in the variable $Money.
        $GetPlayerScore = mysql_result($result, 0, "Score"); // Gets the score of the player and put it in the variable $Score.
        $print_username = "Username: $GetPlayerName";
        $print_score = "Score: $GetPlayerMoney";
        $print_money = "Money: $GetPlayerScore";
        imagettftext($im, 9, 0, 20, 30, $text_color, $font, $print_username); //Prints the username of the specific player.
        imagettftext($im, 9, 0, 20, 40, $text_color, $font, $print_score);  //Prints the money of the specific player.
        imagettftext($im, 9, 0, 20, 50, $text_color, $font, $print_money); //Prints the score of the specific player.
    else echo('ERROR: Sorry, We can not find your account in our database.');
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