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jenny kaur

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Posts posted by jenny kaur

  1. [code]

    This is my db

    | id | bookdate   | Enddate      | Room_number  |   Guest  |
    | 1  | 1149609600 | 1149695999   |       1      |   Jones  |
    | 1  | 1149523200 | 1149609599   |       1      |   Smith  |


    below is my code



    This is what i get output on screen  

    | Room #  | 06/05/2006 |06/06/2006  |06/07/2006 |
    |     1   |            |   Jones    |           |      
    |     1   |   Smith    |            |           |

    i am trying to get room 1 displayed once and Smith and Jones in the same row. like this:

    | Room #  | 06/05/2006 |06/06/2006  |06/07/2006 |
    |     1   | Smith      |   Jones    |           |      


    can someone tell me where i am going wrong?
  2. i need to know how to display a message if a certain day "2006-05-28" is in a date range input via a html form.

    $start = strtotime("$start_date");
    $end = strtotime("$end_date"); [/code]

    how would i display a message in the case above, i.e, your date selection includes "2006-05-28" which is a special day!

    however if the date is from 2006-05-29 to 2006-05-30, there should be no message. only if the date range features the 28th!

    please help,
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