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Posts posted by ItsMeKam59

  1. I just tested it. Like I said, change

    if (file_get_contents($site_a) !== FALSE) $image = $site_a;
    else if (file_get_contents($site_b) !== FALSE) $image = $site_b;


    if (@file_get_contents($site_a) !== FALSE) $image = $site_a;
    else if (@file_get_contents($site_b) !== FALSE) $image = $site_b;

    and it works.


    Also the code I posted earlier would have worked, but it was missing an opening brace that I wasn't able to see because I wrote it in this site's edit box. You should have easily seen it in your code editor, though. You are using a code editor... aren't you? :P


    Anyway, as mentioned before, you don't really want to call both file_get_contents and imagecreatefrompng because that means the image will be downloaded twice from the remote server. Instead, try:

        //// BEGIN CONSTANTS ////
        // coordinates for the skin's face
        $face_x = 8;
        $face_y = 8;
        $face_width = 8;
        $face_height = 8;
        // coordinates for the skin's "mask", i.e. the layer that is overlaid
        // on top of the face
        $mask_x = 40;
        $mask_y = 8;
        $mask_width = 8;
        $mask_height = 8;
        // size of the output image
        $avatar_width = 96;
        $avatar_height = 96;
        // The default skin. All hail Steve!
        $default_skin_url = 'http://halcyon-pvp.fr/dl/img/char.png';
        //// END CONSTANTS ////
        if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
            $user = $_GET['user'];
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
            if (!$skin) {
                $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
        if (!isset($skin) || !$skin) {
             // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
             $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);
        // Set up a blank image to write to
        $avatar = imagecreatetruecolor($avatar_width, $avatar_height);
        // Resize and overlay the face region, as defined by the constants above
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $face_x, $face_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $face_width, $face_height);
        // Resize and overlay the mask region
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $mask_x, $mask_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $mask_width, $mask_height);
        // Finally, return the processed image as a png
        header('Content-Type: image/png');

    Alternatively, you could keep the existing file_get_contents code, but save the result to a variable and pass it to imagecreatefromstring. The only problem with that is that imagecreatefromstring uses more memory.

    Oh yes, it works! I think I mistook something, thanks ! :D

  2. Here's the FULL code (I have cancelled all the wrong things since Cronix's answer) :

        //// BEGIN CONSTANTS ////
        // coordinates for the skin's face
        $face_x = 8;
        $face_y = 8;
        $face_width = 8;
        $face_height = 8;
        // coordinates for the skin's "mask", i.e. the layer that is overlaid
        // on top of the face
        $mask_x = 40;
        $mask_y = 8;
        $mask_width = 8;
        $mask_height = 8;
        // size of the output image
        $avatar_width = 96;
        $avatar_height = 96;
        // The default skin. All hail Steve!
        $default_skin_url = 'http://halcyon-pvp.fr/dl/img/char.png';
        //// END CONSTANTS ////
    	$image = $default_skin_url; //used as default
    	if (isset($_GET['user'])) { //is the user set?
    		$user = $_GET['user'];
    		//Does the user image exist on site A?
    		$site_a = "http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png";
    		$site_b = "http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png";
    	if (file_get_contents($site_a) !== FALSE) $image = $site_a;
    	else if (file_get_contents($site_b) !== FALSE) $image = $site_b;
    	$skin = imagecreatefrompng($image);
        // Set up a blank image to write to
        $avatar = imagecreatetruecolor($avatar_width, $avatar_height);
        // Resize and overlay the face region, as defined by the constants above
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $face_x, $face_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $face_width, $face_height);
        // Resize and overlay the mask region
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $mask_x, $mask_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $mask_width, $mask_height);
        // Finally, return the processed image as a png
        header('Content-Type: image/png');

    It maybe comes cause of the Resize or the Header ?
    You could try the code, drop this code on a file like skin.php, drag in on your FTP, and try "http://yoursite.com/skin.php?user=AxploOdee"
    It's the site_a, the Head will Appears
    To try the site_b write "http://yoursite.com/skin.php?user=Ewearys"
    To try the defaut, write the name of your choice. The AxploOdee image exists on the site_a, and Ewearys on the site_b


    Instead of using file_get_contents() here:

    if (file_get_contents($site_a) !== FALSE) $image = $site_a;
    else if (file_get_contents($site_b) !== FALSE) $image = $site_b;
    You could try using file_exists(), like you did before.


    If i do this, it directly goes on the default image



    What do you mean by this?


    With the other code, the warning is being thrown by the first file_get_contents not finding the file. Try adding @ before the function calls, I guess.

    It didn't worked

  4. I'm going to guess that what you're trying to do is something like...

    if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
        $user = $_GET['user'];
        $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
        if (!$skin) {
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
    if (!isset($skin) || !$skin)
         // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
         $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);



    (I feel like there's so much wrong with all of this code, but I'm just going to let it slide :P)

    I fixed the errors, but this code don't work, there are many errors with the imagecopyresized (bottom of the code)



    $image = $default_skin_url; //used as default
    if (isset($_GET['user'])) { //is the user set?
      $user = $_GET['user'];
      //Does the user image exist on site A?
      $site_a = "http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png";
      $site_b = "http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png";
      if (file_get_contents($site_a) !== FALSE) $image = $site_a;
      else if (file_get_contents($site_b) !== FALSE) $image = $site_b;
    $skin = imagecreatefrompng($image);

    1) If image exists on site_a, it uses that.

    2) If image does not exist on site_a, it checks site_b. If it exists there, it uses that.

    3) If image does not exist on site_a or site_b, it uses the default.


    This code just work for the site_a, but when It should checks the site_b and the default, it says me :

    Warning: file_get_contents(http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/Blabla.png): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/halcyonp/public_html/skinHead.php on line 31
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/halcyonp/public_html/skinHead.php:31) in /home/halcyonp/public_html/skinHead.php on line 77
    ‰PNG  IHDR``múàoÏIDATxœíÜ1JAFáÉîHŒ&õb!6±ðÚÚ ^@ˆ…­…Bì¯ ØÚÚ‰x‹ØY¦PlD!wõoÀ ßWÿ¸ËsšÁ˜ÚùÑN ƒá'n^>†¸©Ê 7£q‰›rÌïó•ð¬µ•%Üd¸øçbk®Ž£Ç·wÜdY>‰÷ ³ ›Qàwïk·ý'Üx‚€€€€€€€€€€@ì?¿â(ßü“j O›Âûš'Ä<ðgùBÎS>8÷5O0000000000ˆ1%Qõw÷µƒí ~Ôê.nš­&nö;ë¸ñ˜åüw¨øû4RîkÝÎfÊ;¡…oîîpÓ^nãÆb}&âˆÿ«*„³Ó+ÜìmMæ.¶8Ͽע(psqØÁ'Äf£•0à¢wyüû·IÔ»ægU7'¸Iù®~O0000000000øMÀEÿ+G4¯IEND®B`‚

    It doesn't go on the others links, it stays on the site_a


    Just to clarify, are we still trying to get the following if/elseif/else structure working?

    if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
         $user = $_GET['user'];
         $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
    elseif (isset($_GET['user'])) {
         $user = $_GET['user'];
         $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
    else {
         // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
         $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);
    Or do you have different code now?


    It's almost the same code, i just added (file_exists and added the $user above the if to store properly the code


    If you always want the last part to take place when the first two parts fail, you'll want to use "else".

    if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
         $user = $_GET['user'];
         $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
    elseif (isset($_GET['user'])) {
         $user = $_GET['user'];
         $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
    else {
         // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
         $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);
    Note that you don't indicate a condition with else.


    How could I indicate a condition so ?


    Because I tried this :

    	if(isset($_GET['user'])) {
    		$user = htmlspecialchars($_GET['user']);
    	if (file_exists("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png")) {
    		$skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
    		$skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
    	else {
    		$skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);

    It sets the default image directly, or the file exists

  7. But you have a logic problem and you're essentially saying this:

    if ($something == 'a') {
      echo 'found in the IF';
    } else if ($something == 'a') {
      echo 'found in the elseif';

    If something does == 'a', what will be echoed? It will never reach the elseif if something == 'a'.

    You didn't understood I think, it want :

    -if the file exists on http://abc.com, it gets it

    -if the if is false, it gets the file on http://othersite.com

    -if the both sites don't have any file, it sets a default image



    It may be beneficial to identify what it's not doing that you'd like it to be doing?

    I will do this, wait

  8. if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
    elseif (isset($_GET['user'])) { //since this is checking the exact same thing as the first IF(), this will never get triggered since it's in the elseif() which will only happen if the first IF() isn't true, which it is

    That what I want to do, if the IF is false, it goes at the Elseif, and if the Elseif is false, it goes at the else




    Try changing this

    else (!$skin) {

    To this

    elseif (!$skin) {

    It didn't worked



    I want to check if the PNG is in the first link, if false, it checks on the second link, if it's a second time false, it sets a default image

  9. Hello, I have a problem with my code :

        //// BEGIN CONSTANTS ////
        // coordinates for the skin's face
        $face_x = 8;
        $face_y = 8;
        $face_width = 8;
        $face_height = 8;
        // coordinates for the skin's "mask", i.e. the layer that is overlaid
        // on top of the face
        $mask_x = 40;
        $mask_y = 8;
        $mask_width = 8;
        $mask_height = 8;
        // size of the output image
        $avatar_width = 96;
        $avatar_height = 96;
        // The default skin. All hail Steve!
        $default_skin_url = 'http://halcyon-pvp.fr/dl/img/char.png';
        //// END CONSTANTS ////
        // Try to load the user's skin from the Amazon S3 storage
        if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
            $user = $_GET['user'];
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
        if (!$skin) {
            // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
            $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);
        // Set up a blank image to write to
        $avatar = imagecreatetruecolor($avatar_width, $avatar_height);
        // Resize and overlay the face region, as defined by the constants above
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $face_x, $face_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $face_width, $face_height);
        // Resize and overlay the mask region
        imagecopyresized($avatar, $skin, 0, 0, $mask_x, $mask_y,
            $avatar_width, $avatar_height, $mask_width, $mask_height);
        // Finally, return the processed image as a png
        header('Content-Type: image/png');

    Here's the problem :

        if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
            $user = $_GET['user'];
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
        if (!$skin) {
            // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
            $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);

    The code works properly, but I want to add a new if, so i wrote this :

        if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
            $user = $_GET['user'];
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://halcyon-pvp.fr/skins/$user.png");
        elseif (isset($_GET['user'])) {
            $user = $_GET['user'];
            $skin = @imagecreatefrompng("http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/$user.png");
        else (!$skin) {
            // If skin could not be retrieved, display Steve
            $skin = imagecreatefrompng($default_skin_url);

    But it doesn't work

    Could someone help me ?
    Thanks !

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