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Posts posted by microbazar

  1. I want to use a custom menu for adding the products in the database. I installed "WP User Frontend Pro" and I created a form with specific fields.


    The problem is -> I dont know how to implement that form, as the adding products section to appear in the product actual page.


    form fields                                    product

    Nume --->                                  Product title
    Descriere ---->                   Product Short Description
    Imagini ----->               Product Images (first one uploaded to be the big box)
    Categorie ------>                    Product category
    Pret ------->               Regular Price (without current currency)
    Adresa de email ----->   Email address (which they will receive a secret link for later edit on product - I'm receiving it as admin - Example: http://microbazar.ro/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=1968)
    Contact: -------------->       The phone number which the post owner will be contacted --- under the <Product Short Description>



    Also the new added items arent appearing in the actual Catalog or Search. Also the new items I want to be flagged as Featured.


    I manually added under wordpress admin panel a product which to serve as an example.. and the custom form for adding products is



    http://www.microbazar.ro is the website running bazarshop theme on wordpress...


    Can someone assist me? Its the final customization and I arrived at a choke point with this...

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