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Everything posted by Ginnnga

  1. It's eminently possible that some incorrect syntax could have snuck in at some point in my troubleshooting. I wasn't aware that subsequent lines were ignored following incorrect syntax. I obtained php as a standalone compressed file via the php website. Is it more advisable for a newbie such as myself to use a pre-bundled package such as XAMPP or Wamp Server? Sorry if any of this sounds stupid. My first exposure to php was yesterday morning.
  2. The link you attached has some good information, thanks. I did already do this, but I didn't reboot after adding the php installation directory to the path environment variable. I'll have another look tonight when I'm back in front of my computer.
  3. Thanks for the replies. The file "php.ini" is listed as being the active config file in the phpinfo() output, and I am restarting apache each time I make changes to that file. None of the extensions contained within the ext file are being listed in the phpinfo() output. Should they be displayed? Or are they not loading?
  4. Hello, everyone, Apologies if this is answered somewhere else, but I've been searching for hours for a solution to this, and nothing is helping. I have just installed php, and I am trying to use PhpMyAdmin with MySQL. PhpMyAdmin returns an error, stating that mbstring.dll could not be loaded. Upon investigating my phpinfo, it would seem that no extensions located in php\ext are loading. I have edited the php.ini file, removed the prefixed semicolons from the necessary extensions, and also tried entering the complete extension_dir, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated with this, as I currently can't get started! Karl.
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