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  1. thanks maxxd, I tried but i don't think i am writing the code properly. would you be able to show me how i would incorporate it using my code above? Sorry i have totally confused myself :-)
  2. Thanks, the custom field plugin returns the term id, i figured after it returns the id i can then use that to find the term slug? yes? no?
  3. I have a custom field where the user (wordpress admin) will check off the term name they want associated with a blog post. I currently get the term id returned. is there a way to get the slug as an end result? <?php $term = get_field('acf_term'); if( !empty($term) ): ?> <div> <asp_info> <strong> <?php $field_object = get_field_object( 'acf_term', $post->ID ); echo $field_object['label'];?></strong> <?php the_field('acf_term'); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> this returns : Term slug: 865 I want it to return : Term slug: interest-tag-name Thanks for any help.
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