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  1. I got the task to work like it should now. I just changed that "sort($this->persons);" to "natsort($this->persons);" because with "sort" it printed the names like: (Added names Name A, Name B and Name C) [0] A [1] B [2] C with natsort, it prints them as: Name A Name B Name C so it now works perfectly. Thank you.
  2. Well the problem is that I don't know how to use it correctly on this code. I have tried sort(), usort(). I don't think we have studied that in school... I'm not sure though. At least our teacher does not use it in any examples even some of them includes sorting.
  3. Hello. First of all, English is not my main language so I'm sorry if I make some mistakes in my text... Anyway, my problem is that I really have no clue how to do this task I was given: I need to create a form where I can write names and then save them and do this for unlimited times. After I have added names, I need to sort them alphabetically from A-Z. I have done it like this so far, just the sorting is missing. This job has two files, index.php and persons.php. index.php: <?php include "persons.php"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title><Task</title> </head> <body> <form action=""> First name: <input type="text" name="first_name"> Last name: <input type="text" name="last_name"><br> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Add"><br> Alphabetical order by Last name:<input type="radio" name="alphabetical" value="ln_first" checked><br> Alphabetical order by First name:<input type="radio" name="alphabetical" value="fn_first"><br> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Sort"> </form> <?php if (isset($_GET["first_name"]) && isset($_GET["last_name"]) && $_GET["first_name"] != "" && $_GET["last_name"] != "" || $_GET["do"] == "Sort") { $persons = new persons($_GET["first_name"], $_GET["last_name"]); $str = ""; switch ($_GET["do"]) { case "Add": $persons->Add($_GET["first_name"], $_GET["last_name"]); break; case "Sort": $str = $persons->Sort(); break; default: $str = "Something went wrong."; } print($str); } else print("Give a real name."); ?> </body> </html> persons.php: <?php session_start(); /** */ class persons { private $persons; public function __construct() { if (isset ($_SESSION["persons"])) $this->persons = $_SESSION["persons"]; else $this->persons = array(); } public function __destruct() { $_SESSION["persons"] = $this->persons; } /** * * @param type $first_name * @param type $last_name * @return string */ public function Add($first_name, $last_name) { $this->persons[$first_name] = $last_name; return "Added."; } /** * * @return string */ public function Sort() { $str = "<table>\n"; foreach ($this->persons as $first_name => $last_name) { $str .= "<tr><td>$first_name</td><td>$last_name</td></tr>\n"; } $str .= "</table>\n"; return $str; } } So I just need to add the sorting somewhere in the code, but I just don't know where. This task was given in my school and it is the first course of php coding. I am a newbie in this thing...
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