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  1. Hi, I've tried with separate shell script invoke by exec("run.sh"). My run.sh invoke that java, but still same problem. Most probably Apache can't invoke JVM. Is there any alternative to run that Java program? Anyway to make different thread, or any other technique? My need is very simple , just run that java program with some parameters and placing some jars in classpath. Thanks Regards -Nahid
  2. Thanks Pal for your reply. For the time-being I've changed the permission with 777 'chmod -R 777 *' but still the same error 'Could not reserve enough space for object heap'
  3. I have tried with exec instead of shell_exec But the same problem
  4. Hi, I want to run a Java program form my PHP code using shell_exec command. But problem is it works in my local apache server but not on remote server. In remote server it gives 'Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap' Can any one point out what is different in remote server than my local server? $java_cmd = "java -cp some_jar.jar JavaClassName $target_path $outputFile"; $java = shell_exec($java_cmd); echo("\n\noutput " . $java) This java command runs perfectly in remote server's command prompt. I have to add some jar in classpath which is of 6MB in size. I have removed that 6MB jar but still gives the same error. I'm surprised even java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -version Or simply java -version also gives same error. It means that simple VM can't starts form PHP Can anyone help me please? Thanks Regards -Nahid
  5. Dear great PHP programmers, Wish you Happy Easter. I am working with MediaWiki which is developed in PHP. I need to process some given input text and come up with a XML file which is upload-able in semantic MediaWiki using their given interface 'Special:Import'. User just press "insert" button and want to see the output page return by 'Special:Import' module. So my idea was to make same <form enctype='multipart/form-data'> element that 'Special:Import' use to submit the xml file. What I did is, Click Insert button From WIKI-> goto processAndUploadXML.php (outside WIKI) -> create XML -> create a HTML with <body onLoad="document.forms[0].submit();">... (go back to WIKI) so that user can't see the page Here I try to set upload-able file name using javascript when submitting the Form, some thing like file_dom.value = "$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']./WikiTaskList.xml" But i'ts not working. My firebug (Firefox extention) gives "Security error code: 1000" error. And 'Special:Import' says no file found. Can any one suggest me what can I do? May be one idea is to create HTTP request by my hand using some "packet sniffer". But it may complex thing. (I don't have any idea about HTTP request creating what browser do for me ) Please Anyone share your idea. Sorry for boring details I explained here. Advance thanks -Nahid
  6. Thank you guys for your help. I have changed my site's favicon successfully  :) Thanks again Regards -Nahid
  7. Hello, I have a little question. Does any one have any idea about small logo of a site visible at left side of browser's tab? For example if you open yahoo.com than at left side of browser's tab or at address bar there is a little logo appear, which looks like "Y!" <red in color> Can any one tell me how can I add this type of logo on my site please? Thanks Regards -Nahid
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