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Posts posted by morpheuz

  1. Ok, I have a table that I want to change dynamically and need a div or such to use with ajax. The content within this table is made up of image slices so I'd rather there be a way to alter the table row content in its entirety using minimal effort as opposed to divving up each td. 

    What I would like to know is if the kind of structures below will work or are they just examples of bad html?:

    <div id="blah">


    <div id="blah"><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td></div>

  2. Maybe you guys can help me with this, I wrote up a backup database php snippet that I want to merge with a mailing script, but I'm having a hard time tracking down some good docs on what the mime stuff looks like without getting a class involved (I really don't like OOP, and since I'm still kinda new to programming in general, I can't appreciate its benefits). I don't need a mountain of help, just a peek at what the mime stuff is supposed to look like to attach the file.

    A quick question, I've read a lot about how it's not a good idea storing backups in root on the server. What is "root"? My guess is that it's the public_html/www dir, but even so I want to be sure so I figured I'd ask.

  3. Been doing some reading.. it seems giving files permissions of 777 is not the best choice according to consensus as it causes a security issue. I'm having a hard time tracking down on what exactly to chmod to what, so I hope there is nothing wrong with setting all php files to 644 and folders and all else to 755, or just setting [b]everything[/b] to 755.

    Are there any other things I need to be aware of?

  4. Ok, I've gotten a little progress....it's an error, but at least it's feedback. :)

    Error #35
    (SSL: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol)

    I have a basic session setup here.

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://loginareablahblah");
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "user=john&pass=doe");
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $res = curl_exec ($ch);

    Can anyone help?
  5. I've been reading articles on security and things for awhile now and I wonder if just refusing to allow undersired chars to be submitted through forms via exp is enough for the job, ie. reject: <>|{}[];:' "?/\+=()*&^%$#@!~` and only allow A-Z and 0-9?

    If anything submitted contains the above in a $_POST/$_GET, etc. kill the script and force the user to resubmit the data with the undesired removed. I guess a str replace code to compensate for not being able to use punctuation marks in text fields intended for messages would have to be present..but for login, search, urls, etc. I'd want it to stay free of them and the rest.

    Is this too much? Not enough? Comments?
  6. I don't know what the problem is. I have the latest XAMPP set up on my PC and all has been well up to a few days ago...or maybe it just looks that way. Anywho, while loops that I set are no longer being recognized, even with a statement of (while(1==1){... }) it won't infinitely loop >_<. Upon execution the script immediately fails and I get a 'page cannot be displayed' error instead of a blank one (the webserver is running so wtf?). IE6 keeps showing the internet icon in the lower right of the status bar instead of local intranet as well (despite not even being online). Don't know if it's related either, but it's like the browser is looking for a page on the net when I reset the address and again direct it to the localhost page. I thought maybe there was a page caching problem, but I wiped my temporary internet files and set IE to check for new stored pages on every visit. No change.

    Anybody got a clue on what the problem could be?
  7. I know very little about its usage but I read that source can be compiled for desktop app purposes. If that is the case, are there ways for me to connect to and view my webcam and connect to sound devices going this route?

    Php has been a formidable mountain for me to climb thus far and I'd like to stick with a derivative of it at least.. if its possible. I have visual C++ 6.0 if I have to go down that road for my needs, but I don't know a darn thing about C and I'm already late in the game attempting to bring a home brewed web app to life. >_<

    Any and all replies are greatly appreciated.

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