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Posts posted by holiks

  1. Day after day I heard so much from (or between) my friends about M4fia Wars.  So much was it hyped that I decided to actually try it. Boy did I regret that. I registered, logged in ...and clicked ....and clicked on in disbelief as to how pointless alot of this "clicking" was...and it was driving me nuts. By the way this also applies to most if not ALL of the other browser-based "dealer type" games out there (minus the "hype" part").


    We need to have something more engaging...meaningful...realistic...to-the-point. That said, Time Underground is my attempt at a response.....or at least the beginning of it.



    The site is in "minimum-functionality" stage right now. Have alot of basics done. But development is currently active.


    Appreciate any input. TIA.


  2. First open up squiblo.com/httpd.www/footpages/about.php and edit that line of code to point to the right directory/file......[and]/or browse to ./includes/footerlinks.php and verify if it is indeed present there.


    [EDIT]: sorry I get my logic gates mixed up :P

  3. topflight waht cronix means by "not defined" is that $newstitle does not have a value. Therefore you are asking the db to return ONE news result  labeled with with an empty title.


    Also the wrong array is used in your initial code ... you should be using the following...

    <tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE>
    <td><?= "$mquery[authorname]"; ?></td>
    <td><?= "$mquery[date]"; ?></td>
    <td><?= "$mquery[newstitle]"; ?></td>
    <td><?= "$mquery[news];" ?></td>

  4. i like the layout and i hate to critisize on this cause i have the same problem, but what does your site do? is it just a top things list?

    man. I'm still not sure exactly. I originally wanted it to be an online social network ....but I must fine that "niche" i'm looking for...not sure of it yet. Ideas appreciated though :)

  5. few things...


    where are your ads going to be placed?


    your site doesn't support  "image.gimp" files... but i doubt that would ever be a problem.


    you might think of adding a "hollywood gossip" section and stuff like that.


    the orange header is ok, but it kinda gives me a dull "bland" feeling. idk.


    i don't usderstand your  "about" page. at all.

    did you build this by yourself??? i

    - ads? not sure haha....if there are going to be ads then it won't be anytime soon until i start to build a little traffic? (jst my way of thinknin  i guess)

    - about page? well it's not complete yet....not sure exaclty what to put there yet.

    - did i build it myself? ...yes...ground up.

  6. i'm not a big "ladder" guy ... not even very "clanny" in any way :P  but it looks like plain tables?  if you're trying to keep the site fast then a little 2px-wide faded background could fit in somewhere i'm sure.

  7. @ Daniel0

    1) padding yes...needs padding.

    2) links on software page is actually incomplete. I wasn't totally sure if what i did was "ok" (the 3rd party images etc)

    3) timestamps ...gotta add localization feature for users...forgot about that :P hehe

    4) the 'About' page ...well, not sure yet..gotta think a bit more about it. I appreciate any input/ideas though.


    This is, i'm thinkin, a kinda open site. If anyone would like to join in on putting the site to some use then please feel free to contact me. It hasn't actually gone "live" yet and i'm not sure if it will, but i'm a bit new to running a site of this "nature"? There aren't any actual members even. Sorry if this "reply" of mine sounds like it's in the wrong forum. just thought i'd mention a few things :)


  8. your wamp install doesn't seem to be installed correctly. Make sure and follow all instructions carefully. Especially if you did not use a "wamp package" install. As for this error, you can start by tracking down exactly what the error msg says...take a look at your httpd.conf file and make sure php is setup correctly in there.

  9. @ Daniel0 : Thanks. as far as the "Online Past" thingy, I thought it looked a little displaced without some sort of separation.


    @ tippy_102 : you're right about the radius...I'm gonna change that.


    there is a "demo" account...

    user : demo

    pass : demo


    ...i'll be honest here...I created this site out of frustration with some of the design and functionality of popular places like myspace. ( but really it was just more of a learning experience too!!). The site really has no direction right now...I just thought of some ideas and threw them together, bought the domain and coded it up....procedural style......shoot me :D

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