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Posts posted by G3mInI

  1. Yes, I have been giving this thought since I posted.

    I have thought of using the following two tables.

    Table Members:

    member_id smallint (auto increment) primary?
    name varchar(255)
    location varchar(255)
    enlisted date? or varchar(255)?
    rank_id tinyint

    Table ranks:

    rank_id tinyint (primary?)
    rank_name varchar(255)
    image_name varchar(255)
    image_alt varchar(255)
    image longblob

    See here I am not sure for the enlisted date wether or not to use date type or varchar for that field.
    Also I am not sure about which keys I should make primary.
    All my rank images are the exact same size and I have now made them all jpg files. Average size is 1.5kb, so I am not sure if I really need longblob or not, I dont know the limits of blob and mediumblob.
    I put in the image_alt so I can use that in my table for the ALT part of the image tag.

    Once this is set up, I begin to get real confused as to how to set up a query which will put it together for me.
    I can do simple queries to get the information I want, but I do not know how I would query this in a way that the information would produce a table in a while loop and have it sorted by rank_id since I entered my images in order of Army ranking, rank_id #1 being General of the Army (5 star) and rank_id #28 being a private.

    I guess where I get confused is how to get information from two tables.

    I need this to produce a table that has 4 columns, the rank image, member name, member location, and enlistment date. And of course however many rows is needed using a while loop.

  2. I run a clan site for the game Medal of Honor. What I want to do is have a members page that is created dynamically from php. The ability to add/remove members via a form, and to also edit members as they get promoted.

    The information we have on our members page now:

    Rank Image (a gif image)
    Member Name
    Member Location
    Enlistment Date

    I basically would just like some advice on what a good mysql (MyISAM type) table structure would be for what I am trying to do.

    Then I will have to delve into the proper sql query to pull that data out, and format it into a nice html table.

    Here is our members page as it stands now... I would really like to get it to look like it does now but be driven dynamically by php instead of a static html page.

    [a href=\"http://www.area51moh.com/A51-Members.htm\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.area51moh.com/A51-Members.htm[/a]

    This way I could have admins easily use a form to make any changes via a form and not have the need for them to have html editing abilities.

    I just don't know wether to make the database one big table with all the info, or to split it up into smaller tables like name and location in one, and rank name and image in another? And the whole foreign keys thing to me is, well, it's definitely foreign. :(

    So thanks in advance if anyone is willing to send me in the right direction on this little project of mine,


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