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Posts posted by Anthon9

  1. Do they need to fill out the form at the same time? In other words, do you really need to combine both forms so that each party can see that other person is filling out their portion?


    Perhaps you could build a system which assigns a common identifier that both parties use to fill out their portion. Both pieces would then be saved to a database and connected with that identifier. Then you could have a separate script that combines both responses for whoever needs to see the results.

    Not simultaneously filled in both both forms or fields need to be merged.  Your idea sounds good :idea:

  2. It sounds kind of like when two people grade each other.  Buyer A and Seller B perform an interaction.  After the interaction, the broker asks both of them to grade the other, but neither can see what the other said into they have both graded one another.  Is this what you are attempting to accomplish?

    yes that is correct I want the input of one form not to be readable to another filler of the same form

  3. Hi 

    The code is:


     * Plugin Name: My Facebook Tags
     * Plugin URI: http://danielpataki.com
     * Description: This plugin adds some Facebook Open Graph tags to our single posts.
     * Version: 1.0.0
     * Author: Daniel Pataki
     * Author URI: http://danielpataki.com
     * License: GPL2
    It is not showing on the plugins page in wordpress
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