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Posts posted by JessicaC

  1. Who says I don't give a "shit" about the subject? I do. But it doesn't mean I have total interest in pursuing a career in programming (I honestly do not know what I want to do). I am taking the class because I need to fulfill a requirement. I am majoring in information science. That school is merging with the computer science department to form a new school.


    I still don't understand what the issue is with my professor teaching PHP6. Is it really as outdated as PHP7??


    And just because I am now learning "obsolete code" doesn't mean I would use it in a future job. How do you know I won't learn proper coding? I have no intention of scamming people let alone hacking.


    All I am doing right now is trying to complete an assignment!

    • Like 2
  2. Fixed that, but I am still getting "Error"

    Allows user to edit specific entry in database
    // creates the edit customer form
    function renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, $error)
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="EN">
    <title>Edit Customer details</title>
    // if there are any errors, display them
    if ($error != '')
    echo '<div style="padding:4px; border:1px solid red; color:red;">'.$error.'</div>';
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="User_id" value="<?php echo $User_id; ?>"/>
    <p><strong>User_id:</strong> <?php echo $User_id; ?></p>
    <strong>First Name: *</strong> <input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo $Fname; ?>"/><br/>
    <strong>Last Name: *</strong> <input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo $Lname; ?>"/><br/>
    <p>* Required</p>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
    // connect to the database
    // check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to the database
    if (isset($_POST['submit']))
    // confirm that the 'id' value is a valid integer before getting the form data
    if (is_numeric($_POST['User_id']))
    // get form data, making sure it is valid
    $User_id = $_POST['User_id'];
    $Fname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['first_name']));
    $Lname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['last_name']));
    // check that firstname/lastname fields are both filled in
    if ($Fname == '' || $Lname == '')
    // generate error message
    $error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!';
    //error, display form
    renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, $error);
    // save the data to the database
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET first_name='$Fname', last_name='$Lname' WHERE User_id='$User_id'")
    or die(mysql_error());
    // once saved, redirect back to the view page
    header("Location: customerlist.php");
    // if the 'id' isn't valid, display an error
    echo 'Error!';
    // if the form hasn't been submitted, get the data from the db and display the form
    if (isset($_GET['User_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['User_id']) && $_GET['User_id'] > 0)
    // query db
    $User_id = $_GET['User_id'];
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE User_id=$User_id")
    or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    // check that the 'id' matches up with a row in the database
    // get data from db
    $Fname = $row['first_name'];
    $Lname = $row['last_name'];
    // show form
    renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, '');
    // if no match, display result
    echo "No results!";
    // if the 'id' in the URL isn't valid, or if there is no 'id' value, display an error
    echo 'Error!';

    other files:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="EN">
    <!-- Jessica Chen, CS334, Fall 2016, Lab 10 -->
    <a href="contentphp.txt">content.php text file</a></br>
    <a href="sql_code.txt">SQL codes</a></br></br>
    <div id="wrapper"><!-- BEGIN MAIN WRAPPER -->
        <section id="top_area">
            <article class="box-right">
                    <form action="script/data.php" method="post">
    	          <legend>Enter customer information</legend>
                            <label>First Name:</label>
                            <input name="first_name" required="required" placeholder="John" type="text">
                            <label>Last Name:</label>
                            <input name="last_name" required="required" placeholder="Doe" type="text">
                            <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" checked="checked" /><label>male</label>
                            <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female" /> <label>female</label>                  
                            <label> Your email:</label>
                            <input name="email" required="required" placeholder="random@mail.com" type="email"> 
                            <input name="password" required="required" placeholder="eg. X8df!90EO" type="password">
                            <input value="Submit" type="submit"> 
    <a href="customerlist.php">View and edit customer list</a></br>  
    </div><!-- END MAIN WRAPPER -->
    <form action="" method="post">
    <legend>Search Contacts Details</legend>
    	    <p>You  may search either by first or last name</p> 
      <input name="search" type="search" autofocus><input type="submit" name="button">
      <tr><td><b>First Name</td><td></td><td><b>Last Name</td></tr>
    $con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'jesschen_jzc22', '');
    if(isset($_POST['button'])){    //trigger button click
      $query=mysql_query("select * from users where first_name like '%{$search}%' || last_name like '%{$search}%' ");
    if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        echo "<tr><td>".$row['first_name']."</td><td></td><td>".$row['last_name']."</td></tr>";
        echo "No customer Found<br><br>";
    }else{                          //while not in use of search  returns all the values
      $query=mysql_query("select * from users");


    <?php //data.php
    require_once 'login.php';
    //Get values from form
    $Fname = $_POST['first_name'];
    $Lname = $_POST['last_name'];
    $sex = $_POST['sex'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    //insert data into mysql
    $sql = "INSERT INTO users(first_name, last_name, sex, email, password, registration_date)
    VALUES ('$User_id','$Fname','$Lname','$sex','$email', SHA1('$password'), NOW())";
    //if successfully insert data into database, displays message "successful".
    if($result) {
    header('Location: ../thankyou.php');
    else {
    echo "ERROR";
    //close mysql


  3. My name is Jessica and I am from Pennsylvania. I am not an expert programmer, but I have some experience in it due to taking classes in college. I am currently in a Python class and an Intermediate web design class (where I am learning PHP and SQL). I have my own website, though it is really a (rather dead) phpBB board.


    I do have some interest in programming and web design, but I do not anticipate I will become any sort of professional programmer.


    This is what you gave us, honey:



    That's odd...I didn't even post that link. My link was this: 


    Of course that text file no longer exists. I changed the name...



    Despite what you have stated, we are only trying to help you to learn NOT to use outdated coding. If this is for a class where you are trying to learn PHP, at least learn the valid, current & modern PHP language. If you should pass this class and move on to being a professional programmer, I would want you to be able to present proper php code to your future employer rather than something that he/she will probably recognize for what it is and dismiss you with a 'thanks for coming in' at your interview.

    I understand, but as far as I know, my code is supposed to follow certain instructions and we aren't using the very latest PHP. I am not sure why my professor is not using the latest, but I'm using what I learned in class. In any case, the class is easy enough that I am doing really well in the class. I also have no plans on becoming a professional programmer.



    You need to talk to your professor or whoever and tell them they are teaching you code that has been deprecated for over a decade and won't even work at all in the current version of Php.

    Does it even matter? If my code works, it works. So what if it's not the very latest version? It's not like I will be keeping these PHP files and code after term is over

  5. For my class lab assignment, I need to be able to edit a customer record




    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="EN">
    <!-- View customer list -->
    <title>Customer list</title>
    Displays all data from 'users' table
    // connect to the database
    // get results from database
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users")
    or die(mysql_error());
    // display data in table
    echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>";
    echo "<tr> <th>ID</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th></th> <th></th></tr>";
    // loop through results of database query, displaying them in the table
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
    // echo out the contents of each row into a table
    echo "<tr>";
    echo '<td>' . $row['User_id'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['first_name'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['last_name'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td><a href="edit.php?id=' . $row['User_id'] . '">Edit</a></td>';
    echo "</tr>";
    // close table>
    echo "</table>";
    <p><a href="content.php">Add a new customer</a></p>


    Allows user to edit specific entry in database
    // creates the edit customer form
    function renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, $error)
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="EN">
    <title>Edit Customer details</title>
    // if there are any errors, display them
    if ($error != '')
    echo '<div style="padding:4px; border:1px solid red; color:red;">'.$error.'</div>';
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="User_id" value="<?php echo $User_id; ?>"/>
    <p><strong>ID:</strong> <?php echo $User_id; ?></p>
    <strong>First Name: *</strong> <input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo $Fname; ?>"/><br/>
    <strong>Last Name: *</strong> <input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo $Lname; ?>"/><br/>
    <p>* Required</p>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
    // connect to the database
    // check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to the database
    if (isset($_POST['submit']))
    // confirm that the 'id' value is a valid integer before getting the form data
    if (is_numeric($_POST['User_id']))
    // get form data, making sure it is valid
    $id = $_POST['User_id'];
    $Fname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['first_name']));
    $Lname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['last_name']));
    // check that firstname/lastname fields are both filled in
    if ($Fname == '' || $Lname == '')
    // generate error message
    $error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!';
    //error, display form
    renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, $error);
    // save the data to the database
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET first_name='$Fname', last_name='$Lname' WHERE User_id='$User_id'")
    or die(mysql_error());
    // once saved, redirect back to the view page
    header("Location: customerlist.php");
    // if the 'id' isn't valid, display an error
    echo 'Error!';
    // if the form hasn't been submitted, get the data from the db and display the form
    if (isset($_GET['User_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['User_id']) && $_GET['User_id'] > 0)
    // query db
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE User_id=$User_id")
    or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    // check that the 'id' matches up with a row in the database
    // get data from db
    $Fname = $row['first_name'];
    $Lname = $row['last_name'];
    // show form
    renderForm($User_id, $Fname, $Lname, '');
    // if no match, display result
    echo "No results!";
    // if the 'id' in the URL isn't valid, or if there is no 'id' value, display an error
    echo 'Error!';

    Whenever I click the Edit link I don't get the edit form but the error generated by my code. I cannot figure out how to fix this, when the user ID for each customer is correct

  6. This "junk" is for a lab assignment for class. I don't need to use anything fancy let alone PDO, something I haven't even learned yet.


    I figured out what I did wrong. It works now


    That link does NOT link to a Facebook page. It's my own website, one of the domains which I am using for a class

  7. I need to write a program that asks a user's name and searches the database for that user.


    Trying to get search results to show first name and last name when a search query is entered but I can't get it to show at all. Here is my content.php: http://chenschool.elementfx.com/CS334/lab10/content.txt


    Not sure where in my code it's wrong. I already have one row of data in the table (First name: John, last name: Doe) and entering either John or Doe does nothing (no "John Doe" text appears).


    I made sure the column names are all correct and yes, I have connected to the database.

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