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Posts posted by brianwill76_2016


    A recursive function is one that calls itself. So you pass an id to the function. The function than finds the next id. It then calls itself passing this new id.


    I came up with this, but not sure if it does exactly what wanted so you may need to tweak it.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var divs = [];
        $().ready(function() {
            $(".button").click(function() {
                divs = [];                        // clear results 
                getLinkedDivs(this.id, "one");    // search data-one
                getLinkedDivs(this.id, "two");    // search data-two
                alert(divs.join(", "));           // show results
        function getLinkedDivs(id, dnum)
            var dnum2 = dnum=="one" ? "two" : "one";
            var div1 = $("div[data-"+dnum+"="+id+"]");
            if (div1.length) {
                var id1 = $(div1).data(dnum2);
                getLinkedDivs(id1, dnum);          // call itself with next id


    Thanks again Barand, it works well, thank you.


    I have a question: How do you think it's best to overcome the following?


    What would I do if instead of


    <div id="777" data-one="555" data-two="666">




    <div id="777" data-one="666" data-two="555">


    So it works like you did, but on ID 777 data-one and data-two are swapped around




    A recursive function is one that calls itself. So you pass an id to the function. The function than finds the next id. It then calls itself passing this new id.


    I came up with this, but not sure if it does exactly what wanted so you may need to tweak it.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var divs = [];
        $().ready(function() {
            $(".button").click(function() {
                divs = [];                        // clear results 
                getLinkedDivs(this.id, "one");    // search data-one
                getLinkedDivs(this.id, "two");    // search data-two
                alert(divs.join(", "));           // show results
        function getLinkedDivs(id, dnum)
            var dnum2 = dnum=="one" ? "two" : "one";
            var div1 = $("div[data-"+dnum+"="+id+"]");
            if (div1.length) {
                var id1 = $(div1).data(dnum2);
                getLinkedDivs(id1, dnum);          // call itself with next id



    Thanks Barand, i'll give that a shot!

  3. Hey everybody

    I need to write a script using jQuery, but am totally stuck on how it would be possible.

    If you checkout my example HTML code below, you will see that it is a series of DIV's.

    The DIV's are all linked, for example;

    * The DIV with ID 111 is connected to the DIV below, because that DIV has a "data-one" value of 111

    * The DIV with ID 222 is connected to the DIV above, because that DIV has a "data-two" value of 222

    Basically the DIV ID values are linked to another DIV by reference of either "data-one" or "data-two".

    In simple terms, all I want to do is when you click on a DIV with class "button", I want it to;

    (A) Run though the connected DIVS and find me the ID of the next "button" it finds
    (B) Return an array of ID's for all connected DIVS

    For example;

    If I click on the bottom DIV (ID 666), then it would run a function and return an array of (777,555,444,333,222,111)

    If I was to click on the top DIV (ID 111), then it would run a function and return an array of (222,333,444,555,777)

    Is this possible? I guess it would require some sort of loop, but i'm stuck on how to do this.


    1. <div id="111" class="button">
    2. <div id="222" data-one="111" data-two="333">
    3. <div id="333">
    4. <div id="444" data-one="333" data-two="555">
    5. <div id="555">
    6. <div id="777" data-one="555" data-two="666">
    7. <div id="666" class="button">


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