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Posts posted by KyleJR

  1. It seems that I'm struggling with an issue trying to pass a variable to the class file, but tells me the $db is undefined when I call the User::getUser(). Any ideas how can I achieve passing the $db that is defined in the bootstrap.inc.php and then using it in the auto loaded class file User?



    In my bootstrap.inc.php file which it's included in the index.php file.

    # Autoload the classes
    # Autoload Composer Libraries
    # Set up the database connection 
    $db = \ParagonIE\EasyDB\Factory::create( 
    	DB_PASSWORD ); 
    # Function to load the required classes files 
    function autoload($class_name) 
    	# Load classes... 
    		require CLASS_PATH.DS.$class_name.'.class.php';

    And then in my User.class.php file, I called the getUser function, and then it said undefined variable $db.

    class User
        public static function getUser()
            $userData = $db->row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", 1);
            return $userData;

    I appreciate any solutions!  :happy-04:

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