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  1. wow! Ok I need to study up more on this. Do you have a paypal? I don't have much but I would love to buy you coffee or tea. Do you teach?
  2. Ok so for distance I added something that may complicate my code. The realtor is willing to travel a certain distance in miles. I added a column in my MySQL called willToTravel. The data in that column is in miles. `willToTravel` int(11) NOT NULL, Ok so based off that information I needed clients to that are in the distance range of willToTravel. Do you think it will be a good idea to calculate using acos and cos?
  3. Thanks ok I see. What was I thinking before? To be honest I used another forum besides this one and devshed for help and I'm still learning mySQL. My problem is I took on a big project and jumped in without a life jacket. I just needed to break this down so I can understand what I'm trying to do. It was a choice between mySQL or Access. I'm really migrating from a windows environment to linux. I like linux just a super newbie thats it. Well with the project the script is working but now its emailing everybody even if they don't have customers in their area. I set up test emails for the realtors using gmail. I was thinking maybe making a email list with a time variable.
  4. Sorry I took to long to reply but Ok so I changed my code and emails are going to their respected recipients. The only problem is that there is two registered customers that is within distance of realtor_2. Only one of the email address show up. I was thinking of maybe of making a new table for matches. So I did a print_r to see what was going on and this is what I got. Array ( [rid] => 2 [0] => 2 [rEmail] => realtor_2@gmail.com [1] => realtor_2@gmail.com [id] => 3 [2] => 3 [eMail] => cust_1@coolmail.com [3] => cust_1@coolmail.com ) Array ( [rid] => 4 [0] => 4 [rEmail] => realtor_1@gmail.com [1] => realtor_1@gmail.com [id] => 2 [2] => 2 [eMail] => cust_2@google.com [3] => cust_2@google.com ) Array ( [rid] => 5 [0] => 5 [rEmail] => realtor_3@gmail.com [1] => realtor_3@gmail.com [id] => [2] => [eMail] => [3] => ) This is the foreach loop. $realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($realtCust as $realtCust_row): //send an email to the realtor email containing the customer email. $msgBody = "This is a test"; // use wordwrap() if lines are longer than 70 characters $msgBody = wordwrap($msgBody,70); $Mailto = $realtCust_row['rEmail']; $FromEmail = $realtCust_row['eMail']; //mail($Mailto, $FromEmail , $msgBody); echo "<pre>"; print_r($realtCust_row); echo "</pre>"; endforeach;
  5. I'm trying to get my code to email the associate realtor. For example if realtor 1 has customers 1, 3, 5, 10 within range then I want to send 1 email notification per customer with their email information to realtor 1. This is pretty complex code well to me but i been trying different ways to do this like using an associative array. Sorry for being vague but I'm pressed for time on my final project.
  6. I updated my code. $realtCust = $db->prepare("SELECT rid , rEmail ,id , eMail FROM realtors r LEFT JOIN customers c ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow(clongitude-rlongitude, 2) < pow(100/110.25, 2) ORDER BY rid, id"); $realtCust->execute(); $realtCust->rowCount(); $realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $rcArray = array( [$realtCust_row['rid'],$realtCust_row['rEmail']], [$realtCust_row['id'],$realtCust_row['eMail']], ); $rcArray = array( [$realtCust_row['rid'],$realtCust_row['rEmail']], [$realtCust_row['id'],$realtCust_row['eMail']], ); foreach( $rcArray as list( ,$rcEmail)) { //echo "$a\n"; echo $rcEmail; }
  7. I'm trying to check two see if the customer is within range of the realtor and if so to email that realtor. So far I got to the point where I can calculate the distance in the query. So since I can match those that are in distance how to check if two columns match? I need to know if two columns match what is the best way for this to be done? Here is my php code. $realtCust = $db->prepare("SELECT rid , rEmail ,id , eMail FROM realtors r LEFT JOIN customers c ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow(clongitude-rlongitude, 2) < pow(100/110.25, 2) ORDER BY rid, id"); $realtCust->execute(); $realtCust->rowCount(); $realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $rcArray = array( [$realtCust_row['rid'],$realtCust_row['rEmail']], [$realtCust_row['id'],$realtCust_row['eMail']], ); foreach( $rcArray as mail($rcEmail,)) { //echo "$a\n"; if($arraysAreEqual = ($rcEmail==$rcEmail)) mail(); }else{ echo "don't work"; } }
  8. Hi everyone good day.
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