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Posts posted by TomvV

  1. Ok,
    This is happening. I entered this code:

    $_category = osc_item_category();
    if(isset($_category['fk_i_parent_id']) && !is_null($_category['fk_i_parent_id'])) {
    $_category = Category::newInstance()->findRootCategory(osc_item_category_id());
    echo $_category['s_name'];

    And I'm now getting this error displayed on my website:


    Warning: Illegal String Offset






    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hello all,


    First of all if anyone can help.. you already made my day! I've been trying to figure out what goes wrong for a while but I have no idea. I am in the process of starting a website and I've been using osclass, a free php script, for making a website displaying classifieds. My website is here: marketplacesxm.com . Now as you can see on the website, it displays the latest listings. However, if was showing from which 'sub'category those listings were instead of the parent category. I asked one of the guys there ad he gave me a script to put in there to display the parent categories.. It seems to be working now, except I also get an error displayed on my website as you can see.


    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I added some attachments so you can see what I've been doing.







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