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Everything posted by ScoobyDont

  1. Sorry if I was not clear enough I would like the query to link and retrieve ALL the data from both 'users' and 'vehicle' tables so I can use the data to echo in areas of the site
  2. Hi, I am at the minute changing from mysql to pdo and whilst its starting to click I am still struggling with a few things namely trying to retrieve and join data from 2 separate tables Table 1: Name: users columns 1.user_id 2.registration 3. email Table 2: Name vehicle columns 1.reg_id 2. registration 3.vehicle 4.chassis The function I am currently trying to get to work is this public function UserDetails($user_id) { try { $db = DB(); $query = $db->prepare("SELECT user_id, registration, email FROM users INNER JOIN vehicle ON users.user_id = vehicle.reg_id"); $query->bindParam("user_id", $user_id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->execute(); if ($query->rowCount() > 0) { return $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } } catch (PDOException $e) { exit($e->getMessage()); } } I want the data so I can <?php echo $user->Vehicle?> on the frontend Any help much appreciated
  3. Right Ok will go down that route and bring this thread back up when without no doubt I will get stuck again Thank you...much appreciated
  4. HI All, Sorry for sounding crap but searching the net has come up with nothing and that's what I have nothing...and to be honest dont know where to start looking for what I need I will try and explain as best I can In the db I have current_status, this is updated from a select list in a form on website one status 1 status 2 status 3 etc etc So when the user changes the "status" from website 1 it updates the database and shows the current status in website 2 What I want is to show the previous states with a time stamp on when it was changed something like image attached Am I right in thinking I will not be able to do this with only working with one row in the db or is this possible with php alone Can someone give me a pointer where to start, I am not after anyone to write code just a little advice Thanks in advance
  5. Hi I am creating a site using bootstrap and have a few collapsed panels, the trouble I am having is when the page first loads the down arrow needs pressing twice before it does anything, can this be fixed js $(document).on('click', '.panel-heading span.clickable', function(e){ var $this = $(this); if(!$this.hasClass('panel-collapsed')) { $this.parents('.panel').find('.panel-body').slideUp(); $this.addClass('panel-collapsed'); $this.find('i').removeClass('fa fa-arrow-up').addClass('fa fa-arrow-down'); } else { $this.parents('.panel').find('.panel-body').slideDown(); $this.removeClass('panel-collapsed'); $this.find('i').removeClass('fa fa-arrow-down').addClass('fa fa-arrow-up'); } }) And this is the code for the header <div class="panel-heading"> <span class="pull-right clickable"><i class="fa fa-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h4><i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> Important Events </h4> </div> Thanks for any help in advance
  6. HI, Thanks I will make sure my site is sqli'd This is just a dummy site to test populating my site from a third party site, so I am not to bothered about security etc etc etc at the minute. Here is the "update.php" code $registration = $_POST['registration']; $chassis = $_POST['chassis']; $engine = $_POST['engine']; $datein = $_POST['datein']; $timein = $_POST['timein']; $dateout = $_POST['dateout']; $timeout = $_POST['timeout']; $jobstatus = $_POST['jobstatus']; $wipno = $_POST['wipno']; $contactnumber = $_POST['contactnumber']; $email = $_POST['email']; $name = $_POST['name']; $vehicle = $_POST['vehicle']; $team = $_POST['team']; $data = "UPDATE `register` SET registration='$registration', chassis='$chassis', engine='$engine', datein='$datein', timein='$timein', dateout='$dateout', timeout='$timeout', jobstatus='$jobstatus', wipno='$wipno', contactnumber='$contactnumber', email='$email', name='$name', vehicle='$vehicle', team='$team' WHERE wipno=".'"'.$wipno.'"'; $query = mysql_query($data) or die("Ooops Its snapped. ". mysql_error()); ?>
  7. This is the form that starts the query <form action="update.php" method="post" name="update"> <input id="wipno" placeholder="WIP No" name="wipno" class="textbox" type="text" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Get Customer Record" /> <p><a href="insert.php">Insert New Record</a></p> </form> This is "update.php" $search=$_POST['wipno']; $data = 'SELECT * FROM `register` WHERE `wipno` = "'.$search.'"'; $query = mysql_query($data) or die("That Didnt work. ". mysql_error()); $data2 = mysql_fetch_array($query); ?> <div class="header"><h3>Update Customer/Booking</h3></div> <form action="updated.php" method="post" name="updaterecord"> <label>Reg No</label><input name="registration" id="registration" type="text" class="formfieldssmall" value="<?php echo $data2['registration']?>"/> <label>Chassis No</label><input name="chassis" id="chassis" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['chassis']?>"/> <label>Engine No</label><input name="engine" id="engine" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['engine']?>"/> <label>Date In</label><input name="datein" id="datein" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['datein']?>"/> <label>Time In</label><input name="timein" id="timein" type="text" class="formfieldssmall" value="<?php echo $data2['timein']?>"/> <label>Date Out</label><input name="dateout" id="dateout" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['dateout']?>"/> <label>Time Out</label><input name="timeout" id="timeout" type="text" class="formfieldssmall" value="<?php echo $data2['timeout']?>"/> <label>Job Status</label><select name="jobstatus" class="formfields"> <option value="">Please Select</option> <option value="<?php echo $data2['jobstatus']?>"></option> <option value="offsite">Off Site</option> <option value="onsite">In On Site</option> <option value="allocatedtotech">Allocated to Tech</option> <option value="awaitingauth">Awaiting Authority</option> <option value="qualitycheck">Quality Check</option> <option value="awaitingwash">Awaiting Wash</option> <option value="awaitinginvoice">Awaiting Invoice</option> <option value="readytocollect">Ready to Collect</option> </select> <label>Wip No</label><input name="wipno" id="wipno" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $search?>">"/> <label>Contact No</label><input name="contactnumber" id="contactnumber" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['contactnumber']?>"/> <label>Email</label><input name="email" id="email" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['email']?>"/> <label>Name</label><input name="name" id="name" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['name']?>"/> <label>Vehicle</label><input name="vehicle" id="vehicle" type="text" class="formfields" value="<?php echo $data2['vehicle']?>"/> <label>Team</label><select name="team" class="formfields"> <option value="">Please Select</option> <option value="sa1">SA1</option> <option value="sa2">SA2</option> <option value="sa3">SA3</option> <option value="sa4">SA4</option> </select> <br /> <input name="submit" type="submit" class="button"value="Update Customer" /> </form> Hope this helps
  8. Hi I am creating a dummy 3rd party site for my main site, I have everything working apart from the most important part The trouble I am having is I use the dummy site to add a new user to a db and have a second page for updating, page 1 ="Enter Customer Number" - Submit button to open page 2 which is a form with populated data from the db The trouble is I cannot get it to re populate the select list <label>Job Status</label><select name="jobstatus" class="formfields"> <option value="">Please Select</option> <option value="offsite">Off Site</option> <option value="onsite">In On Site</option> <option value="allocated">Allocated</option> </select> Everytime I pull the data back into the form it says "Please Select" I have tried <?php echo $data['jobstatus']?>"> And placed it in a couple of areas but no luck. Can anyone help how I can repopulate the form list with what is in the db and not "Please Select" Thanks in advance
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