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  1. NigelRel3's post in Why my basic insertion won't work? was marked as the answer   
    You are trying to insert into 3 values for your insert statement and bind only 1.
  2. NigelRel3's post in In laravel 5.4 retrieving with several criteria was marked as the answer   
    You could build an array of conditions, where can take something like...
    $binT = \App\BinType::where([['binTypeID', '>', 1], ['sizeX', '<', 10]])->get(); So if you get to the end of all the possible conditions, you can make a choice of including the where only when you know there are criteria to use.
  3. NigelRel3's post in Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 was marked as the answer   
    The error is very clear - mysqli_error expects a parameter - usually...
  4. NigelRel3's post in unexpected end of page was marked as the answer   
    This is a good example of how badly layed out code can make development difficult.
    If you laid out the code using something like...
    if(condition) { someotherCode(); } The problems may become obvious.
  5. NigelRel3's post in check constraint was marked as the answer   
    Your check if the shirt number already exists is checking that a player_id already exists - nothing to do with the shirt number (or team)!
    I'm not sure if your database structure is correct though - if a player is just part of one team - then put the team number on the player record .  If you want players to be in multiple teams - then put shirt number of the other record.
    Then create a unique key on team, shirt number.
  6. NigelRel3's post in Update 2 query in sql using php was marked as the answer   
    As already mentioned - using multiple statements in one string will not work.
    You could rewrite your query though to be something like 
    UPDATE stock s1, stock s2 set s1.qty = s1.qty-1, s2.qty = s2.qty +1 where s1.id= 1 and s2.id= 1 you'll have to change the names as appropriate - and BIND the variables for the ID's.
  7. NigelRel3's post in MYSQL Left Join single row not found in a was marked as the answer   
    You could use something like 
    select c.* from customers c where not exists (select 1 from type t where c.customer_id = t.customer_id and t.type in ('macintosh')) All this does is find the people where a record isn't found for a set of types.
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