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Community Answers

  1. BigB's post in Getting Error 500 on Web Server for PHP select query. was marked as the answer   
    Create a page - ie my_error_find.php and include the file you are testing to see if you can generate a useful error.
    ######### ERROR FINDING PAGE #########
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
    ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
    include("Your_file_name.php"); // <<== PATH TO FILE WITH ERRORS
    include("Your_file_name.php"); // <<== PATH TO FILE WITH ERRORS
  2. BigB's post in Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR was marked as the answer   
    @Dardime, I personally cannot see whats wrong here, I am not too familiar with sugar crm setup, to me the code above looks clean, however, I am a novice programmer, though my thoughts are as follows...
    This could also be a server side issue, a setting in php.ini or maybe we need to look into the other files to see whats going on there to see whats getting crunched and passed,  
    If you could post the code from the files below or any other code you think may be relevant to this issue, and maybe the top gun programmers on this forum might be able to shoot you in the right direction: (Remember to dummy up any security risk code before posting)
    Related files:
    ...callingdata.php(88) ...index.php(20) .../305811-fatal-error-uncaught-soapfault-exception-wsdl-soap-error/SoapClient- ??? ...voipwebservice.php?WSDL
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