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Posts posted by geo__

  1. I 've spent the last8 hours trying to solve this bug. I tried both on apache and IIS and no luck! I am so pissed that I am thinking of turning to adobe golive.

    The whole point of using dreamweaver is not to use other scripts. If I was to use other scripts I may as well not use Dreamweaver at all. The code it produces is almost unreadable.


    It's a known-by-macromedia bug that the restrict assess to page server behavior doesn't work right because it doesn't use globals to store the session. There are a few fixes out there, but for some reason macromedia hasn't addressed this theirselves. I found one workaround in the book: PHP Dreamweaver MX 2004 (Apress ISBN 1-59059-350-2), but while the fix worked fine on my test server, it didn't work on my webhost. I eventually turned to another script after searching for one that explained itself simply.


    I still don't understand why macromedia won't fix this. Hell, they updated to 7.01 to fix numerous bugs and even added back in the godawful timeline panel that NOBODY uses.



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