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Everything posted by esgarrouth19
Please help me update this old design :)
esgarrouth19 replied to Fluffy Convict's topic in Website Critique
Tell Apple that But anyway, it can go either way. It all depends on the girl, but yes, in general, they tend to lean toward brighter websites... but you can make a steel website appealing to either gender. You just need to tone down the texture a bit and maybe change it to gradients. And everyone loves shadows and curves Well, not everyone.. but many -
<p>Text goes here.</p> p {width:470px;border:1px solid #333;padding:15px;} That would make all paragraph tags a max width of 470 pixels wide (500 after padding) with a 1 pixel border that is colored dark grey. It would also have 15 pixels of padding on the inside. Just put the css in your css file (.css) and the other in between the body tags where you want it :-) As for the H1, H2, and H3 tags, you can use the the same way - they just come bold and with font sizes... so change the font size (font-size:1.2em or something) and the weight if you want (font-weight:bold; or font-weight:normal;). If you have any other questions or need more help, feel free to contact me on any IM or by PM. Email works too
I'll mostly stay away from what's already been mentioned, but I do suggest making the header image wider and shorter. The header is very appealing, but it takes your attention away from what's important: the content. The header is important as well, but you can make just as much of an impact with a short and wide banner as you can with that one... but you'll also give the user a chance to peek at the content at the same time, and their eyes will naturally move down and read. Always remember, users don't like to scroll I'll be sure to keep my eyes out to see how it turns out. Best of luck to you!
Please help me update this old design :)
esgarrouth19 replied to Fluffy Convict's topic in Website Critique
The texture is fine... but change the colors around. Also add some shadows, round corners, and make the text easier to read. As for the menu tabs, make the corners more rounded (less pixelated). The title of the site is also in need of a color and possibly a font change. Past the general pointers I've stated, it's all up to you. Play around with things and see how you like it. Once you get something that is moving more in the direction you want it (not just the idea as you have it now, but to the point that you think it is 'now'), bring it back here and we can help you out with fine-tuning it -
First off, the prices aren't all that great :-P My prices are about... half that. But besides that... I really like the colors you chose. The 'Your hosting solution' blends in a bit in the header, so darken that a bit if you can. Other than that, I love it. As for the code, kill the tables. Switch over to divs and use labels for the forms. Best of luck to you and your hosting services
I love the colors and layout. The only thing I would suggest in terms of changing the look of things would be to align the menu items to the left. (Keep 'Quick Links' centered... just the items themselves). Oh, and moving "Get Linked..." over to be aligned with the icons. As for the code, I'd suggest breaking the header into 4 images (the left logo and the 3 icons) and changing the "Get Linked..." to actual text... then making the icons real links instead of an... image map? In regards to the menu, you could probably remove it entirely (or remove the links that are provided in the quick links section). This will move your content up in the source. Also, if possible, move the quick links section (in the code) below the content of the site (like the other two side items). One other thing I noticed was the footer. Consider moving it inside the content box or styling it so it looks like it's supposed to be there. Other than that, you're moving in the right direction. I wish you the best of luck with your site!
To be completely honest, it appeared to be a testing site... to show the functionality only - with very little time spent on the design. Work on making the layout flow together better. The header image looks like an advertising button someone would put in a signature... the height is fine, just make it the width of the site. And you don't need to expand the text in the header at all... just expand the background of the header. Incorporate the "Why pay?..." and "Fast, Free..." into the header image as well (make sure to have the text in the source - for search engines and screen readers). As for the content, make everything fit together better. Right now, all of the boxes are different widths and have a different style to them. Some have borders, others have backgrounds, and others have nothing at all. Just adding a few borders and backgrounds would spruce this site up quite a bit... and images would do even more. Just stick with the basic look and fit the puzzle together a little more snug. Other than that, the general layout looks fine. Just needs some widths and colors set. Once you've done that, you should be all set. Best of luck to you!
Integrate the menu more... and either change the header background or the header text... they don't fit together very well Besides that, try changing the background color of the grey boxes a bit... or make it flush with the header image (remove the lonely link below the header). As for the amount of text you chose to use for the snippet, I'd suggest using a paragraph or two. Reading one or two sentences doesn't tend to draw people in as much as a whole paragraph does. If you don't believe me, go pick up a newspaper. They'll have several paragraphs on the front page that 'link' to another section. Sometimes even newspapers write too much on the front page though. I think one to two paragraphs is best because it introduces the topic, but doesn't make the reader bored if they aren't interested in that particular post. That way, they can move onto the next without much scrolling. Other than a few padding/margin sizes not looking right (unequal padding around content), I'd say to just change the search box to white. Can't really tell it's there as easily as you should be able to. And one last thing: add some hover effects to the menu... not integrating is one thing... but making it appear to be just plain text is another. It looks like this site is shaping up quite well. Hope you get everything figured out
One word: Wow. In design terms, there's nothing to say other than that. It's simply, but not to the point where it doesn't look good. The only thing I can even come up with in terms of design is possibly changing the grey on the bottom to something else... maybe lighter... or darker... not really sure. It looks a bit odd, but I still love it regardless. As for the programming behind it, consider disabling the linking of words like 'in', 'to', 'of', 'the', etc. Try to stick to nouns and verbs only. This could be accomplished by either allowing certain words (recommend against this) or disabling words (much smaller list, ergo recommended). In terms of popularity, you will probably gain and lose it quickly unless you do something to keep it. Make it possible for other users to use the quotes - either quote of the day (using something other than twitter), week, or just a random one (I'd suggest quote of the day - can be automatic with a cron job). Best of luck to you! P.S. - Add a clickable logo to your homepage in the top somewhere (left, right, center - you decide)... sometimes people like to get a completely random one... without having to move the mouse or hit F5 constantly And search engines will be a bit more friendly
I absolutely love the image on the bottom, but it is out of place on the website. The menu and header have the Marker/Paint look to them while the image is more... trendy? It just has a different feel than the header/menu. As for the fonts used for the header and menu: I tend to suggest using the same font if they're very similar. They both have the bold white look, but the menu has rounded ends while the header has more square ends. The header also looks like it's pixelated. I'm guessing it's a texture to make it look rustic or something along those lines? Regardless of the reasoning behind it, I vote to apply it to the menu as well or get rid of it... so basically use the menu style or use the header style... the two of them together make it look like you couldn't figure out which you liked better. As for the background, it hurts my eyes to read the text with that behind it. It isn't that it's a bad image... it's just too busy for a background... darkening it a bit could help - because the image isn't bad at all - just hard to read the text. Other than that, I like the design of the site. I wish you the best of luck with making it look perfect!
I like the colors a lot. I think the background in the small box (with OpenBlog in it) could do without the gradient and the 'Share your thoughts' could be white instead, but other than that, the colors work great. The only other thing I would suggest is to add the poster's name to the footer of each blog post. That way all of the information (date, time, author, etc) is in the same spot. As for the frame, I'd suggest making the site frameless (even if it requires paying). Frames can seriously mess up bookmarking. I don't have anything else, so I wish you the best of luck with your site!
The first thing I would suggest is boxing things in. Make your site the width of your header and separate the content with borders as you see fit. Generally, I'll have a border around the content, and below the header and menu. Sometimes I'll also include borders around some of the content if it's in several columns. As for the colors, try a black base color (body {background-color:#000;}) and a dark grey content background (#content {background-color:#333;}). You could then go with #777 for #999 for the color of the text. The #777/#999 won't be too difficult to read, yet keeps the dark look you're going for. After checking your code, I've noticed you several tables just to put the title or paragraphs of text in. It's completely unnecessary and that would be where you're getting the multi-colored borders from. Replace the title with h tags (<h1>, <h2>) and add an alt message to your header image (search engines can't read images :-)). Place the text of the page into paragraphs (<p>text goes here</p>) and set the borders/padding/margins of the tables in the css - it gives you a lot more flexibility. Also, I could not completely load the website. You may want to look into that. In short, ditch the tables, separate the content, and change the colors around a bit. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :-)
It may just be the fact that I'm using FF3 on Ubuntu, but the layout seems to be thrown together a bit. For example, the menu is in a white box... with a border on three sides, but not the bottom.. and it just goes right into the blue background (of the content, not the background itself - more on this later). The basic boxes will work out great if you clean it up a bit. I'd suggest extending the menu box down around the content of the page with a padding on both sides and on the bottom. I would also suggest changing the background of the content (header image, menu, etc) to something other than the main background color of the page (the blue). It makes it look like the image is just cut off and makes it look unprofessional. Adding a 1px border around all of the content and changing the background at least a little bit will make it look 100% better. As for the expanding of the site, consider setting a minimum width to the content of the site (a wrapper around text and header image). It will prevent the text/columns from shrinking after the page has shrunk down to the size of the header image. This way, the content will stop shrinking at the same time the image stops moving. Other than that, maybe add a 1px black border below the ads... and get the forum page up and running. But that's all I can think of. The site definitely has potential. I wish you the best of luck with it!
Battlewall.com Online Gaming Community Critique
esgarrouth19 replied to A2xA's topic in Website Critique
Overall, I like it. I'm not a huge fan of the current-menu-item layout, but I love the other menu items. The green/shadow mix on the top just make it look blurry in my opinion. Well, it may just be the header in general. I love the idea behind it, and how it's put together... it's just not as crisp as I think it ought to be. But it's your site, not mine :-P The 'You are here:' tells me I'm nowhere (nothing after it). The search box in the top right corner is a bit hard to notice and looks like a button more than it does a text field. Maybe try lightening it up a bit to help it to catch visitors' attention. Another thing I noticed was that the site was lacking on the integration side of things. Home, Groups, Search, and Register all use the same style of content - white rounded squares with shadowing effects. The forum is completely boxy and lacking of images almost entirely. The Community section is boxy as well, but incorporates inner-shadows, borders, and gradients. Any of the three styles would work great if you stuck to one style, but having different styles on each page make it look like you threw it together and didn't take the time to make it look professional. Also, 3 of the 4 footer links don't work, and the 4th is full of Joomla news - your community probably wants to see the community news - not Joomla's. Other than that, I love the direction the site is headed in. It'll take a bit of work, but I'm sure it'll look amazing once you're finished. I wish you the best of luck! -
Consummo - Custom Forum - Need Opinions
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in Application Design
@Acs - I plan to do everything free of AJAX and then add in AJAX as add-on functionality. That way each person can choose what to use AJAX with and what not to use it with :-D Thanks for the suggestion/heads-up! -
Consummo - Custom Forum - Need Opinions
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in Application Design
From what I've seen, they create the program and then ask the people who come to their site what they want most. That usually means developers and people who already prefer their product over another. The way I see it, it's best to ask everyone, not just the people who already use it. That's like Microsoft asking Windows users what they would like to see. By doing that, they'll get biased answers and tend to go in a direction that makes the non-windows users hate the product even more. By asking everyone, however, they get a broader audience. Sure, in the future, I will probably tend to pay attention to reviews on the products website more, but I will always try and get a new perspective. -
Consummo - Custom Forum - Need Opinions
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in Application Design
Thanks for posting! I already planned on having user-chosen time zones for displaying all times. :-) All times would be entered into the MySQL database using gmdate (single timezone for all posts then changed by PHP based on the viewer's profile (or use the default timezone of the forum if they aren't logged in)). Thanks for the idea though! Keep em coming :-D -
I have written a few custom forums in my time (all from scratch or based off of my previous code) and have decided to start one that will hopefully give everyone else a run for their money... even if they are released for free. The General Idea I am talking to everyone I can to find out what they like (or would like to see) in a forum/community. This includes PHP developers who may, someday, install my forum and create add-ons/templates for it. I believe this will give me a good idea as to how to build it (front-end and back-end). If you can provide any information as to what you like/dislike in forum software (code-related or not), it would be greatly appreciated. If something specific comes up that I would like to have a vote on, I will place it below. The Question (repeated for the lazy) What do you like/dislike in forum software? It can be related to the front-end or back-end. Template System My template system will use a mix of PHP and cf-variables (consummo forum). I am trying to decide on the syntax of these variables. {example-variable} - Personal choice {example_variable} {exampleVariable} {ExampleVariable} Which would you prefer?
In Opera/IE, 3px bottom-padding is added to images
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in CSS Help
Well, I figured out the solution long ago, but completely forgot about this topic sitting around. The answer is that the images are Inline. It adds a baseline due to letters like g, j, p, q, and y because they go below the text. To fix it, all you need to do is set the display to Block :-) I hope this helps someone in the future. -
Result: Failed validation, 48 errors http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2F71.195.254.171%2Fsample.html Well, that is one thing you're doing wrong. Get that page validated! lol Also, as jcombs said, drop those tables. Switch over to divs and more CSS. The colors need a little work, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. A silver/grey background would do fine in my opinion, but it's up to you. Also, switch the textual menu over to an unordered list. Other than that, I like it. Have fun fixing it up!
That's good, I figured you were going to make a stretching background, just wanted to make sure. Good luck with it!
New Website Layout (With Color! haha)
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in Website Critique
I use PHP for my site, and a database for all of the text. It includes the current files when you click on those links, but I haven't formatted those pages for the new layout because they are still formatted for my current layout. The only page formatted for the new layout is the link I provided. -
New Website Layout (With Color! haha)
esgarrouth19 replied to esgarrouth19's topic in Website Critique
As I said in my first post, the other links don't work yet (portfolio). Only the main page is up and running currently. And what OS are you using? Thanks. -
This layout has potential. I'd suggest changing the logo though, looks like it was created with Word Art in a Microsoft Program. Also, it's a good idea to stay away from serif fonts for web use...stick with Verdana or something similar, at least for the main font. Also, please please please validate your page. 49 errors when I just checked it. I'll provide the validation link below. The three images in the header (flower and sky pictures?) look quite pixelated. The bullets in the header should align left...or align the bullet with the text, don't leave that space. In my opinion, I'd say to align the menu to the left. Remember, all of this is just my personal opinion. Take it as you wish. :-) http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.designervision.co.nz%2F
I like the layout, but I really want to see the finished product. There are a some issues I believe you will come across when coding this into an actual website. 1) For the textual section of the site, will it be an internal div? or iframe? 2) If not, will the layout expand down without making it look choppy? The colors and layout rock though! Pun intended. Can't wait to see the finished site!